All Episodes

May 4, 2024 31 mins

Guest host Brian Mudd fills in for Sean and kicks off the show with a celebration for the fraternity brothers who made headlines protecting the American flag from anti-Israeli protestors.  Country star John Rich stops by to share news about his celebratory concert, "Flagstock", which celebrates these students with a free concert!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And happy for a day. We got that going for us.
We got Joe Biden who's still president of the United States,
so that's kind of working against us. And let's see
check high inflation, that's reaccelerating. So yes, the Fed is
going to continue to keep interest rates really high. That

happened this week. Yeah. Check. We continue to see that.
The prosecution in the New York State trial against Trump
just desperate. Hope Hicks. Now, Hope Hicks. I mean, seriously,
you talk about grasping at straws, former Trump Aid communications director.
I mean, she's going to be a silver bullet here.

I mean that thing just continues to unravel for the prosecution.
Oh yeah, a little bit about anti semitism on college
campuses and how the inmates and the anti Semites continue
to run these asylums as you have numerous colleges that
are at this point. We had jobs report this morning,

not good, unemployment rate higher. I mean, yeah, just freaking fantastic.
But it is Friday. It is Friday. But if we
were to deduce Joe Biden to one word, one that's
arable anyway, feckless is a really good choice. The man

it is forever feckless and that has been on full
display this week. So yeah, yesterday, after sixteen days of
illegal anti Semitic protests on over seventy college campuses across
thirty four states, resulting in the arrest of over seventeen

hundred people, President Biden finally decided he had something to say.
We'll talk about that. This is obviously not Sean. It
is Brian Mudd. It is an honor and a pleasure
to be here with you. I host the Brian Mud
Show hubbed out of my home station w JNO in
West Palm Beach near Sean and the former and future

President of the United States. You can catch me socially
at Brian Mud Radio and check out my podcast wherever
you get your podcast, The Brian Mud Show. So yeah,
sixteen days of illegal anti Semitic protests over seventy college
campuses where this nonsense plays out over thirty four states,

and we have over seventeen hundred people arrested, which we
found out, you know, somewhere in the neighborhood. A half
of them not actually students, but outside agitators, pros, people
that have been paid off by all kinds of interest groups,
including George Soros. That's fun. Shows you how easy it

is to manipulate so many of these kids on college campuses.
But anyway, you had Joe. He stepped up to the
microphone yesterday in the Roosevelt Room in the White House
and he said, and then we've all seen images and

they put to the test two fundamental American principles. Excuse me,
That was in his speech. He got through the first
line and then he said, excuse me. He coughed. He said.
The first is the right to free speech and for
people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The

second the rule of law. Both must be uphild. We're
not an authoritarian nation where we silence people and squash dissent,
you know, unless, of course, you're Donald Trump, in which
case we will weaponize the justice system against you. That
will happen and we will have a judge all but

like literally gag you. But other than that, you know
we are We're not an authoritarian. We don't silence people,
we don't squash this in just you know, if you're Trump,
he said, the American people are heard. In fact, peaceful
protests is in the best tradition of how Americans respond

to consequential issues, but neither are we in lawless country.
What appeared to be going on at that point is
the teleprompter was an issue. You know, he's like, what
I think, he's like forty five seconds into a speech,
so naturally it started to go sideways for him. So
I think that accounts for the butt, but neither sequence.

But anyway, he came out of that with another cough,
and then he worked back into it. He said, we
are a civil society. An order must prevail. Okay, we
are a civil society, and order must prevail, you know,
unless it's at our southern border, in which case, you know, really,
the only order we're actually concerned with is the order

that you board the planes and the buses that we
put you on, along with all kinds of taxpayer funded
goodies once you get to where you're going, which, of course,
we'll pay for you to go wherever you want to go.
I and got you covered. Okay, So yeah, we are
a civil society. Order must prevail. We've often faced moments

like this because we are a big, diverse, freethinking and
freedom loving nation. You know, unless there's a virus going around,
in which case, shoot, you just lose all of your
constitutional rights. You're gonna love not having freedom except what
we at the government give you. You know, So we're a big,

free thinking, freedom loving nation unless you know virus situation
and continue you by saying that in moments like this,
there are always those who rush in to score political
points because apparently, unless you actually wait sixteen days with

all these illegal protests happening, unless you let it spread
to over seventy college campuses in thirty four states, unless
you have allowed for that to happen, apparently you're rushing.
But this isn't a moment for politics. This is a
moment for clarity. So let me be clear, which, by
the way, it's impossible to hear Biden say. So let

me be clear without thinking. So let me be clear.
You immediately think at the big oh, but anyway, peaceful
protest in America, violent protest is not protected in America.
Peaceful protest is I mean, the irony was his So
let me be clear. Thing wasn't entirely clear, but you
kind of work into it and you go, Okay, I see

where you're going with this. See what the idea was.
It's against the law when violence occurs destroying property is
not peaceful protest, it's against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows,
shutting down campuses, forcing the cancelation of classes and graduations.

None of this is a peaceful protest. Threatening people, intimidating people,
and stealing, fearing people is not peaceful protest. It's against
the law. Descent is essential to democracy, you know, again,
unless you are Donald Trump or a supporter of his,

in which case I mean you're actually a threat to democracy.
So descent is essential to democracy unless you're Trump or
you know, one of those people. But descent must never
lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others,
so students can finish the semester and their college education. Look,

it's basically a matter of fairness, matter of what's right.
There's the right to protest, but not the right to
cause chaos. People have the right to get an education,
the right to get a degree, the right to walk
across the campus safely without the fear of being attacked.
So let's be clear about this as well. There should

be no place in any campus, no place in America
for anti semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students.
That point's kind of like, amen, Yes, you've done something
good here, and then it goes off the rails. There's
no place for hate speech or any violence of any kind,
whether it's anti Semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans

or Palestinian Americans. What what's just happened there? And as
an assign apparently President Biden nor his speech writer are
aware that Palestinians are Arabs. But anyway, he said, it's

simply wrong. There's no place for racism in America. It's
all wrong. It's an American I understand people have strong
feelings and deep convictions in America. We respect the right
and protect the right for them to express that, but
it doesn't mean anything goes. It needs to be done

without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. Now,
make no mistake, as president, I will always defend free speech,
you know, except for Trumps and the mega magas you
know otherwise got your free speech cover. And I will

always be just as strong and standing up for the
rule of law. Boy, that explains a lot, doesn't it
when he says he's always going to be just as
strong as standing up for the rule of law as
he's been to this point with all this anti semitism. Him, boy,
it really explains the lawless border situation, doesn't it. And
a lot of things come to focus at that point.

That's my responsibility to you, the American people, my obligation
to the Constitution. Thank you very much. What's that was
a fun little deal. So uh yeah, that happened, and
that brief three minute speech, including how and when he
delivered it, because you know, it was midday yesterday, buried

right before a trip to North Carolina. It was obvious
somebody said he got to go out there and say.
It's just you've got to go out there and say something.
So all right, I'm going to go do this real quick,
and I'm gone. The man is feckless, just absolutely feckless.
After two and a half weeks, it couldn't even bring
himself to directly call out the purpse, couldn't bring himself

just to defend the Jewish students, just to call out
anti semitism with all without also walking down the path
of islamaphobia and Arab discrimination. He just absurd every day
that Joe Biden as president of the United States, not
just students, not just faculty at college campuses, that are

less safe, the entire country, the entire world, everybody is
less safe. And what do you think this projects in
the world stage? It again, I just can't even control
our college campuses. See, we have two hundred and sixty
three more days before this country and the world will
be a safer place. I just, boy, hold your butts,

hang on until we get there. That's the timeline to
January twentieth of next year, by the way. So yeah,
and meanwhile, boy, it wasn't hush money. You take a
look at the Trump trail. There are some serious absurdities
that have been going on in that deal. So in
the Banana Republic, that is New York, with the resumption

on the Trump trial yesterday into today, the big news
really was that it wasn't hush money. There's some interesting
things that happened yesterday. In particular, you know, during the
testimony of Stormy Daniels attorney Keith Davidson, he testified that
the one hundred and thirty thousand dollars payment that was
made by former Trump attorney turn convicted liar Michael Cohen

to to Stormy. He said it wasn't a payoff, and
while testifying that he received ten grand. At that one
hundred and thirty grand, he said he would never use
the term hush money to characterize the financial transaction. He
called it a consideration. A consideration now on the surface
might seem like semantics, but it's not entirely semantics. And

we'll take a closer look at that in just a moments.
Dan Is Brian mutt In for Sean Hannity. Take some
of your calls here in just a bit eight hundred
ninety four one seventy three twenty six. That's eight hundred
and nine to four to one, Sean, And what are
the revelations in the Trump trial this week? You have
had the attorney for Stormy Daniels say, you know, what

wasn't a payoff, wasn't hush money. Didn't like that, he
called it a consideration. Now. One of the things that's
interesting about that is that's so legal term. It is
specifically what a contract is comprised of. And what became
all that much more interesting is ultimately he said Stormy

really wasn't alleging like some kind of an intimate thing,
just that they had gone together a few times. Now,
I mean, that's interesting for any number of different reasons.
But you started thinking about things that came about here
in that particular trial, and ye had David Pecker, he
already testified that the dormant at Trump Tower was paid

thirty grand for something that was utter BS, that was
proven to be bs, I mean, that was extortion. And
then could you imagine that maybe a porn actress, I
mean high morality and everything else, could you imagine that
maybe she likewise might not be the most truthful in
the situation. Now, if Trump paid thirty grand just to

make a liar dorman go away, one hundred and thirty
grand to make a porn actress go maybe there was
less to the story than actually seemed like there was.
Part of the reason that matters. Well, they're trying to
prove fraud, right, If there really was less to the story,
then we were ever led to believe. Well, think about it.

Is that a legal expense, which is how Trump classified it,
or is that fraud which is what the state alleges.
So even to the extent that this is an absolutely
absurd trial, the details of it are actually helping make
Trump's case. We've got John Rich He's coming up on
the other side. Brian Mudd in for Sean Hannity. All Right,

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Speaker 2 (16:13):
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Speaker 1 (16:17):
All right, so you might have been wondering, hey, you
know what, where's John richbin? But the answer is on
your TV once again. Starting this Sunday, He's back all
new episodes of the Pursuit is a Fox Business TV show,
John rich joining us. Now, how's it going? Tell us

about it?

Speaker 3 (16:39):
Man, It's going great. Thanks for having me on. Pretty
excited about this. It's starts tomorrow night, eight Eastern, seventh
Central on Fox Business. It's a show I created and
host called The Pursuit, and I sit people down from
all walks of life. I've got Dana White, I've got
Adam Carolla, Jim Brewer, Ricky Skaggs. I mean it covers

the gambit and we basically dig into their stories of
pursuing happiness in America. The whole premise of the show
is we're not guaranteed happiness in America. We're guaranteed the
right to pursue happiness in America. And all these people
abide by that rule. They are some of the most
get it done kind of people out there. And I

think with all the crazy news we have to watch
all day long and all night long, this'll be a
nice way to unplug for that for a couple hours
and see something positive about your country.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Yeah, no doubt, no doubt. And by the way, just
joining us Brian Mudd in for Sean Hannity, get to
take some of your calls here in just a bit too.
Eight hundred and ninety four one seventy three twenty six.
That's eight hundred and ninety four to one Sean, and
we're joined by John Rich his TV show back on
Fox Business this Sunday. You got something else that's going
on too, And I think this is super cool. I mean,

we've been talking about it. It has been just awful
to watch over the past two and a half three
weeks now what's been going on in college campuses. But
you're really started to see some pretty great stories this
week too. We've had some rallies where you've had some
students show up for supportive of Israel, for supportive Jewish students.
You've had a lot of stories about people that are

singing the national anthem, and then you had the big one.
This is what happened with some frat boys at the
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill campus where you know
they're going to hold the line, and they were going
to defend that flag. And I understand you're throwing a
big party called Flagstock in honor of this. Tell us
about it.

Speaker 3 (18:33):
Yeah. I was so impressed with these young men that
they were willing to stand there and never let that
flag touch the ground. Even though they had rocks and
bottles and sticks being thrown at them. They just held
their ground and kept that flag off the dirt, as
they should have. And so I reached out to them
on Twitter. I didn't know how else to find them.
I guess X we call it now. I reached out

to him. He knows how to find these boys. Tell
them I'll give them a free concert when they decide
to celebrate this victory that they've had here defending the flag.
And man, next thing you know, my phone is blowing up.
I've got people from Chapel Hill hit me up, going, yes,
we would love to do that. And then artists have
been calling me left and right. Lee Greenwood hit me

up and he said, hey, man, tell the boys in
North Carolina I'd like to come see God bless the
USA if they'd like to hear that. I said, well, Lee,
I can pretty much promise you they won't. So it's
pretty it's pretty exciting. Flagstock is the perfect name for it,
and I really hope this ignites college campuses around the

country to re engage their patriotism, find their voice again,
exercise their First Amendment, and get out there and be heard.
I firmly believe that there are way more patriotic young
people in this country than what are protesting right now.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
Hey, you bring such a good point. I mean, you put,
for example, President Trump in a stadium pretty much anywhere,
and the response is overwhelmingly positive at the these colleges,
and you go, hold on, you know, there's more to
the story than what we see. Are are led to belief.
How much of what's going on in college campuses? Do

you think it is just conservatives that feel repressed, that
feel like they can't speak out, that they can't be themselves.
And do you think maybe we're starting to reach a
turning point here?

Speaker 3 (20:22):
I think you're hitting it on the head. I think
that young people, especially have watched canceled culture be such
a huge thing. They go to these universities where anti
American rhetoric is preached from every single pull pit inside
those schools, and they're scared to death to say anything
because they're just trying to get their degree and get

out of there. They don't want to be canceled or
kicked out of school. But at this point, I think
starting to understand, no, this is real. This is a
real threat to your future as a young person. I
think about what they must think about their own futures
looking at the condition that America is currently in and
the condition that the world is in, and they're trying

to study hard and go out and chase their American dream,
and it is it is not a guarantee right now
the way things are going. So they, of all people
in America, the young people have the most to fight
for in my opinion. So to see them standing up
now and taking a stand is a glorious thing to watch.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
Yeah, no doubt. And you know as you do this,
obviously you're getting a lot of personal satisfaction out of
seeing this and faith restoring moments. Do you have any
advice for people that that are are feeling down at
the domps. You know, they feel like that the next
generation's lost and and you know the country's going a heck,
what do you think people can do that that can

kind of restore their own faith in things.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
Well, I think we've been deceived with a narrative out
there that this is the majority of young people. But
the ones you see on TV that are burning buildings
and breaking windows and tearing down American flags, they're on
TV because they're doing those insane things. The young men
and women who are studying and working and trying to
plan their lives out and build a family and go

to work, they don't really get in trouble. They're working
too hard to go out there and get in trouble
and camp out for four nights. They got bills to pay,
so you don't ever hear about them. So I would
say to everybody listening right now, I play concerts all
over the United States to tens of thousands of people
a night. We sing God Bless America, and the whole
place is singing at the top of their lungs. In Louisiana,

we had forty five thousand people singing that song all
at the same time. So I think what we got
to remember is we are Americans. We stand on the
shoulders of our founding fathers, and then again on the
greatest generation of World War two, now it's our turn.
Now it's our turn to stand up, be heard and
even take a step forward. You can advance against them.

You don't have to just take it anymore. And when
they start tearing the flag down and they start telling
Jewish students they can't go to school, that's it. That's
a line that has now been crossed at Even if
you're on the left, you can't tolerate that any longer.
And unity in America may actually happen because the shared
pain becomes intolerable for all of us.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Yeah, Brian mud here with with John Rich and John
you talking about a concert that comes to mind. I
wanted to ask you. I mean, it's an unfair question,
but do you have like one performance that just sticks
out to you that is like, you know what that was?
That was the old time right there.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
Well, I've done I've done around four thousand concerts. I've
done a lot. But I will say the moment in
the show that sticks out, especially in the past couple
of years, is when we sing God Bless America. Because
it's acapella, I start the song say sing along if
you know it, and I mean it is as loud

as you've ever heard a crowd of people sing, And
I think it's because that is their way to voice
their their support for the country and to voice their
opposite to anybody that wants to tear it down. They're
looking for a way to project their patriotism right now.
And that's what those guys did at you and c
And I hope, like I said, I hope this catches fire.
Or anybody in college listening right now, you go back

and you find all the people that love this country,
which is most of them, and say, hey, let's have
our own thing. This is not a protest, it's a
support rally for America. And I think I think you'll
be really astonished as to how many people show up.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
You know, you you bring up such a good point.
You know, back in the day, we did some rallies
for America. Glenn Beck was a big help and organized
a lot of that stuff way back when. And I
participated in a couple of those. Happen to be in
Savannah at the time that the Iraq War broke out.
And third id they're the ones who led the charge
into bag Dad topple the Saddam statues and all that.

And you want to talk about you know, finding some patriotism,
some just an incredible people. You really can find it
in the in those moments. And you know, Johnny, you
get me thinking. We often during adversity, we see what
we're made of, and we see the worst and that
tends to be the most visible, and it often can

be the loudest. But you know, is this, you know,
perhaps the moment that we get back to that place
that we used to be in and that we do
take this country back.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
Yeah. I think everybody brushes this stuff off when it
doesn't land in their backyard. But at the point we're
at now, it's in all of our backyards. It's on
our front steps, it's where our kids go to school,
it's where we work, it's everywhere. And so this is
our time to turn it on and step it up.
I mean, I firmly believe the next fifty sixty years
of Americans are going to be looking at us, you

and me and the rest of us right now that
are on this call and listening. What were they doing
back in twenty twenty four when they tried to take
America down? What were they doing? And I want to
be on the side of man he was swinging for
the fences, everything he had, and that's what we should
be striving for right now. People with your last name,
who you will never meet, are depending on you to

do the right thing right now.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Hey man, May God bless you. His show The Pursuit
back Sunday, Fox Business, Black Sock going on. John, really
appreciate the time, the update.

Speaker 3 (26:16):
Thanks sir, have a great afternoon.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Yeah you as well. All right, just some good stuff there,
And I think sometimes it is really important with all
of the nonsense that we got going on, that we
take a step back and you know, see some of
the good things that are out there, and see those
moments like those kids at you and c and you
see some of these It doesn't make the news to

the same extent the kids that are out there now
as some of these campuses that are singing the national anthem,
that are rallying for Jewish students for Israel. But it's happening,
and people, you stand up, stand up, and you make
your voice heard on college campuses pretty much everywhere, and
we can take this country back. We'll do it this November.
Do you want to talk a little bit though about
who college democrats are, because they really exposed themselves and

my college Democrats. So lets talk about the average kid
who identifies as a Democrat in college. I'm talking about
the official arm of the Democratic Party in college. They
really exposed themselves this week. Hit on that here in
just a moment. But the legacy that you and your
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Speaker 2 (27:30):
Yeah, And to John Rich's point, it was such a
great point, as you know, we're working to save this
nation because of the fact that it's for all those
people that are going to share our last name that
we're never going to miss, you know, we're never going
to see. So with Mother's Day coming up right here
May twelfth, I told you about this a little early earlier.
You know, Legacy Box is just such a great gift
for the whole family. You can relive the best moments,

wedding days, first steps, embarrassing haircuts, and you can connect
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your grandpa's voice, a cousin, a loved one and it's
super simple. You send a Legacy Box filled with VHS tapes,
cam quarter tapes, pictures, and then their team professionally digitizes
that every single thing by hand here in the US.
You'll get everything back on the cloud, you know, on

a thumb drive, along with all your originals.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
We've met Nick and Adam.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
They started this out of their college dorm room.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
They're awesome guys.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
And I just did this for a friend of mine
who got married and we put together, you know, her
Legacy Box and were able to show her entire wedding
her grandpa and it was at a sweet sixteen from
years gone by, and they got to see and hear him,
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Day sale ever. It's Legacy box dot com slash handity
and we can't wait to hear from you. Eight hundred
and nine to four to one.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Sean will be right back acknowledging that you know, they're
only two sexists and thus two genders, or do we
reject it? You know, I started thinking that basically as
many as we can just think up. You know, like
you wake up today and you're thinking, hey, I'm feeling
kind of froggy, and you know, maybe maybe I'm an
amphibian today. You know, if a little amphibious thing going on,

by the way, that is not the A and the
homosexual alphabet, if you are feeling amphibious, that would be
like the plus, I believe. But anyway, you know, as
people are just kind of making things up as they go,
and as we have this huge sliding scale of morality
that is out there, do we believe that Israel should

have a right to exist? Or do we believe it
Israel and the Jewish people along with it. Do we
think they should be brought to an end? Because that
is a very real thing. It has been for a
very long time, I mean biblically even, but we have
folks that are working on that eventuality right now. So

for a lot of us, the answers to these types
of questions obvious, however, and this is a big, however
kind of situation. What we have seen play out this week.
The Democratic Party, the College Democrats of America, that is

the affiliation. They have played their card. They've made their
position known in a statement which they allowed to be
led by the Muslim Caucus of the College Democrats, challenging
their party's leadership. They said, each day the Democrats failed
to stand united for a permanent ceasefire, two state solution,

and recognition of a Palestinian state, more and more youth
find themselves disillusioned with the party. To the students out
there protesting, we stand with you. Oh well, that's fun.
By the way, never mind that Hamas has been rejecting
Israel's offers for a ceasefire right along here this weekend

recently so now yet not the the rank and file kid,
that's like, yeah, you know, being the Democrat seems like
the thing to being to do. But the official arm
in the College is a big problem. Talked about that
and more, including illegal immigration coming up on the other side.
Brian mudd in for Sean Hannity eight hundred ninety four

one seventy three twenty six be right back

The Sean Hannity Show News

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