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May 16, 2024 31 mins

President Biden has agreed to a debate with former President Trump... as long as their are no audience members in attendance. Is this a red flag for anyone else? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, what a great newsday this is. Anyway, glad
you're with us. Thank you, Scott Shannon, Thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our toll free
telephone number if you want to be a part of
the program. It's eight hundred and ninety four one Sean
if you want to join us. So I was on
Foxing Friends this morning a little I guess a little
before eight thirty somewhere around there. And anyway, the news

just broke that. In fact, Joe Biden came out with
a post. I'm not sure if it was on X,
it was on some social I believe it was X.
And what's amazing about this He put a video out
And here's the funny thing. It's very short video. I
think it's about maybe a total of thirteen seconds.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
And in the.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Video he they must have spliced it, meaning you know,
spliced together each line to make it sound that much
more authoritative, which you would never do for a thirteen
second video. It's kind of obscene and absurd. Now, he
had said two separate times that he would debate Donald Trump.

He first said it on Howard Stern and then set
it again to a passing reporter but you know, oh,
this is job being really really really tough and saying,
come on, pal, make my day.

Speaker 2 (01:19):

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Listen, it's pretty funny.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
Donald Trump lost two debates to me in twenty twenty
since said he hadn't shown up for debate. Now e'xactly
like he wants to debate me again. Will make my day, pal.
I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dace. Donald,
I hear you're free on Wednesdays. The political coverage fit

looks some of the political players and some of the
let me ask rhetorical questions.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
No anyway, and apparently they don't they don't want an audience.
I mean, what is part of this behind the scenes,
is Joe gonna want to bring in notes, which has
never happened in a presidential debate. No notes, Joe, no
teleprompted Joe, And you know, okay. So Donald Trump, to

his credit, he accepted the offer to debate in June
and September, he agreed fake news CNN, he agreed to
an ABC debate. And then Donald Trump came out with
a statement and it says truth. He put it on
truth social Please let this truth serve to represent that

I hear by accept debating Crooked Joe Biden on Fox News.
The debate will be Wednesday, October the second. The host
will be Brett Baer and Martha McCallum. Thank you, DJT Okay, Well, oh,
I guess Biden thinks that only he gets to set
the standards here. Really is that how that works? I

don't think so, because, by the way, and Donald Trump
immediately fired back at Biden and his challenge for debates.
But I guess the Biden people think, well, he gets
to set all the terms of the debate. He only
picked four outlets that that were acceptable or the four
outlets land, I guess ABC, CNN, Uh was it Univision?

Speaker 2 (03:26):
I thought it was a fall patrol Sesame Street on
all right, can you can you help me out here?

Speaker 1 (03:33):
Only wait, I got it right here, only four media
outlets were chosen here. I'm like, well, hang on a second,
you know, okay, ABC News, CBS News, Fake News, CNN,
and Telemundo. Uh sorry, uh but fake news. CNN is
the lowest rated cable news channel in the country. And
they didn't even deal with the issue of whether or

not there'll be a pool, or whether or not they
want to limit it to just one channel, which would
lower the view to viewership and would lower it dramatically.
Now there's details that have to be worked out, and
he doesn't get to set all the terms on himself.
For example, who will the moderator be? Uh, there can't
be any notes. Let me the fact that I even

have to bring that up in the case of Joe Biden. Okay,
no notes, No, no teleprompter, Joe, you don't want an audience.
That actually worked out fine when I did the Biden
on the Biden the Gavin Newsom dissenters debate, but Trump
lasting the Commission on Presidential Debates is totally controlled by Democrats.
But he's willing to debate. He's willing to go into

the lions dead at ABC News and CNN. Now, I
would argue on behalf of my colleagues, Brett Behar and
Martha McCallum. That would be a fair debate, That would
not be a slanted debate. These are news people and
we've seen them, you know, moderate debates before. I personally
am insulted that nobody recommended me. But Linda, do you

think that was fair? I don't think that was fair.
I thought I should.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
Definitely wasn't in the running off to see you and
Biden have a conversation. It would be fair.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
I'm proud of had the debate that we did with
Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom, and it was very difficult
to put together. I've kept the terms of those negotiations private.
One day I might go public with it if need be,
but I kept it private because I gave my word
that i'd keep it private. And I believe if you
give you a word, that's your word, is your bond.

That's the end of that.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
But who's negotiating for Biden? I mean honestly, I mean
Biden can't put a sentence together. KJP doesn't know what
day it is. Kamal is too busy laughing to have
conversations with anybody. Well, unless you talk about ovaries, I
mean beyond that, I mean, really, who are you talking to?
Clean things?

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Okay, So now now you got to think of Okay,
so Trump? Who over at Fake News CNN? Now I
don't know everybody over there. Remember the town Hall is
a woman, a new person, uh Dollins. She hosts the
show on Fake News CNN. Nobody really watches it, but Anyway,
she did that town hall with Donald Trump and it

actually rated decently for them, good for them the one night,
and she felt like she was the candidate fact check
fact check factor. Well, I'm sorry, the fact checking needs
to happen by the other candidate and the idea, if
they're going to shut the mics off, okay, then the
person that is moderating the debate, that person needs to

have my view, be the person that asked the question
and then shut their microphone off. And by the way,
no putting stuff on the screen. If somebody wants to
challenge something that one of the candidates say, that's up
to the other candidate to challenge them, and then the
American people will decide and they can read, oh, fact
check this in fact check. Nobody ever fact checks the

fact checkers. The fact checkers usually are wrong. I can't
tell you how many times at Washington Post fact checker
screws things up. But they of course don't want to
fact check themselves and give themselves pinocchios, although they should,
you know. But you know, Trump actually was very quick
and said, let's get ready to rumble, he said, you know,
he replied, opening his you know, crooked Joe Biden is

the worst debater I've ever faced. He can't put two
sentences together. He agreed to the two proposed debate in
June and September. And by the way, he wants more debates,
but I'll read it in full. He said that Crooked
Joe is the worst president in the history of the US.
It's time for debates so he can explain to the

American people his highly destructive open border policy, new and
ridiculous ev mandates, allowance for crushing inflation, high taxes, is
really weak foreign policy and allowing the world to catch
on fire. I'm ready willing in debate Crooked Joe at
the two proposed times in June and September, and I

would strongly recommend more than two debates. And excitement purposes
a very large venue. Although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds,
that's only because he doesn't get them. Just tell me
when I'll be there. Let's get ready to rumble, all right.
And then he accepted the Fox News debate. What oh Joe,
Biden only wants it on his terms? Only four Oh

Joe says, only four media outlets to meet his criteria,
and one of them is the lowest rated cable channel.
I hate to tell you fake news CNN and the
ratings on ABC and CBS they suck too. And frankly,
you know, I can't tell you how many nights. Yeah,
Fox News Channel beats all of them. Pretty unbelievable. You know.

Trump did tell Hugh Hewitt earlier today that he thinks Biden,
that he thinks the Democrats could still dump Biden. But
this kind of locks him in, doesn't it If he's
locked into a debate in June and September and their
party convention is in August in Chicago. Although they're talking,
they're so afraid of their own base of their party.
They're talking about part of that being virtual. Can't make

that up either. But think back, now, why is it?

Speaker 3 (09:05):

Speaker 1 (09:06):
You got to ask yourself, why why is Joe Biden
calling for debates? Because Joe Biden is behind? Joe Biden
had been saying, no, they don't believe the polls. They
don't believe the polls. Oh, they believe the polls. And
this is a bold move. Also, they want debates early. Now.
I like the idea that you shouldn't have a debate
before a single voters cast. Even with the Fox News debate,

that would give you plenty of time, so most votes
won't be cast. But you know, look at the CNN
New York Times, Sianna, I'm sorry, the New York Times fall.
You know, Donald Trump lost in twenty sixteen and twenty twenty.
In Nevada, he's up by twelve. You know, look at
the poll in Arizona. He's up by seven. He's up

in Michigan by seven, He's up in Georgia by ten.
He's up what it's a dead heat, I'm sorry in Consonant.
And then Trump is up by three in Pennsylvania. And
then you add to that a state like Minnesota is
now clearly becoming in play. And I don't know the

fact that Trump is already evaporated over eleven points in
the most recent poll in New Jersey and it's close
to the margin of error. You got a wonder if
Jesus is New Jersey in play. You have a pole
in Minnesota, you have a pole in Virginia showing that
it's a dead heap between the two of them. Now,
I'm going to tell you what this is. Also in

response to I know, James Carvell I've known James Carvell
for years. I actually mentioned this this morning, responding in
real time to the breaking news on Fox and Friends.
And the amazing part is is that I've known James
Carvell for years. I've debated James Carvell a number of times.
I've actually in real life. You talk to this guy
behind the scenes. He's funny, he's witty, he's sharp, he's

a cool guy to hang out with. I think you'd
like meeting him. I know that's hard to believe. He
proves definitely that there's life on other planets. But you know,
James Carvell is no. He's a smart guy. And I
say that as somebody you know, I have a respect.
I don't agree with the thing he says. He's out
of his mind. But did you see how angry he
was this week? He was apoplectic over nothing we're throwing

a Trump is working. I don't know if we still
have that tape, I'll pull it out. Nothing we have
is working, and they've thrown everything at Trump. And I'm
telling you right now, even with this ridiculous sham trial
in New York, I'm just assuming the worst. I'm assuming
a guilty verdict and some people say, Hannity, why are
you a defeatist. I'm just a realist. I don't believe
in being Pollyannish, and I just don't think Donald Trump

can get and ever would get a fair trial in
New York. By the way, and I've been proven correct,
a da that ran on a platform to get Trump,
the Trump organization and get one man, just like the
civil case that took place, the Attorney General making the
same campaign promise a judge in that case. Valuating mar
A Lago at eighteen million dollars, it's a billion dollar property.

You know, go look on Zillo and see how much.
See how much an empty lot would cost in Palm
Beach on the ocean. It's like two one hundred and
fifty two hundred million dollars. The one hundred and fifty
million dollar one happens to be on a busy corner
with let's see a road between the beach and the
ocean and the house lot the dirt actually trees. I've

seen the lot. It's pretty unbelievable. But that's two hundred million.
That's one hundred and fifty million. But mar A Lago
twenty two acres, not one and a half or two acres. Yeah,
that's only worth let's see with pristine property, historic property,
pristine condition, two clubs, inter coastal and the ocean, and
oh that's only historical property. That's only worth eighty million.

And the judge got away with it. The Democrat know,
Biden is weak. Did you see this man walking off
the stage last night? Linda? Did you see we played it?
It is so scary. But these brutal swing state numbers
that they say they're not paying attention to and had
no answer to when Peter Deucey asked about it. We

don't believe the polls. But these are the same people
at this time four years ago that were bragging about
the polls that showed that they believe that they can win.
You know, but Biden won't participate in a nonpartisan commission
fall debates. He wants everything on his term terms. That's
not how it works, which, by the way, makes me
a little suspicious in all of this that Biden is

a gutless, spineless coward, just kind of the way he
stabbed Israel in the back and emboldened every radical terrorist
organization and terror state and hostile regime in the world
by surrendering in the war on Terror, and it might
just be his way of acting tough and trying to
bail out knowing that it's not all going to be

on his terms. No, there are terms to be negotiated,
but Trump's accepted. Are you gonna show up, Joe, or
you don't want a crowd or you're afraid of a crowd?
Unbelievable times we live in anyway, eight hundred and ninety
four one shown if you want to be a part
of the program I showed last night on Hannity. I mean,
Biden was just a mess. They carried it on the

White House website. I guess the they have some website
that you carry carries his events live. He finished his
speech and he didn't know, didn't and then he turns
to the right and he waves to like the background,
and then he waves to like the side where nobody is,

and then he's like looking like oh boys, stumbling and
really old and barely able to walk, which is why
they now surround him when he either is getting on
Air Force one I'm sorry, Marine one, or or coming
off of Marine one. They don't want him looking so
frail and fragile and old, which he is, By the way,

if these debates happen, can you matter we're gonna get
jacked up Joe? Or are we gonna get are we
gonna get usual Joe? How much caffeine you know, can
you possibly give a guy or red Bull? Can he
possibly drink or maybe something else that they gave him
before the State of the Union, because that's not the

usual every day Joe Biden, whatever he whatever he might
have had before that State of the Union. And maybe
it's just caffeine pills, I don't know, Maybe it's just
red Bull. Maybe it's just an energy drink of some guy.
Maybe it's whatever energy drink. I don't know, but that's
not the person we see every day. Also seem very angry.

But notice they haven't. You haven't seen Joe like that
ever since the State of the Union. Isn't that odd?
Or is it? Maybe what he was doing maybe could
be a little bit physically dangerous to have all that
caffeine or other in his system. I don't know. I'm
not a doctor. I would never play one on the radio.

So last night I didn't know what the hell he
was doing. Now today Biden just missed taking another brutal spill,
catching his foot on a backstep as he took the
stage at the National Peace Officers Memorial Service at the Capitol. Remember,
he could no longer use the big boy stairs on
Air Force one. He has to use the little boy
stairs on Air Force one. And he nearly fell again

last week. Anyway, he managed to reach the microphone without
further incident, thank goodness, before paying his respects to law
enforcement officers who have given their lives in the line
of duty. You know, you would think if he really
cared about law enforcement officers, maybe, just maybe, when videotapes
come out of police officers getting the crap beat out

of them on the streets of New York where there's
no bail laws and you know, defund, dismantle, reimagine the
police policies are in place, well maybe he would speak
out and say refund the police. But not Joe.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
Yeah, but you know what, here's the problem. Bouschemy gets
punched in the face. I've seen more articles about Steve Buscemy.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
He's the he's the actor.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Right, he's the actor. Former ny f D firefighter between
eighty and eighty four, came back, you know, stood by
everybody during the two thousand and one, you know, when
the Twin Towers fell, he was there with his fellow brothers,
his firefighters, you know, helping dig through the rubble and
looking for survivors. You know, he's you know, he's a
New Yorker. He's a good, good dude. But he's walking

down the street. He gets punched in the face, you know,
because you know, he was just like breathing and somebody
didn't like it, so they punched him in the face.
I don't know who he is, and everybody's talking about it.
Who punched Steve Buscemi. We're looking at the.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
CCTV cos we have thank you. What about the cops video?

Speaker 2 (17:55):
Yeah, what about the mom who got her face bashed
in and they let that judge let that go out.
She has permanent jewel damage.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Nobody care for old lady going up the church stairs.
Forget about that video, knocked on her ass and fell
backwards down that she could have died. It's true.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
But the problem is there's no accountability. We don't lock
anybody up. Nobody takes anybody in. You raise your hands
to a protester or to an illegal immigrant that's attacking you,
it's considered wrong.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Yeah, they take your house by the way and steal
it and squat it, and you know you're going to
get the arrested the via the owner. One other thing
that we're watching here, Hunter, you know, for all of
you Democrats that love law fair Hunter Biden zero experience Hunter.
You know, the guy that made millions and millions of
dollars with no experience at a time he's admitted to

being addicted to crack cocaine. That guy. Delaware judge denied
his request or his lawyer's request to delay the federal
gun case, setting the stage for trial next month. Judge
in that case denied the request to push the trial
to September, which actually may be a favorite of Biden.
And the defense argued they needed more time to line

up witnesses and go through evidence handed over by prosecutors,
and the judge said, everyone can get what needs to
be done done and by the trial start date of
June third, he's facing charges related to the form he
filled out, you know, as it relates to the gun charge, which,
by the way, other judges have put people away for

five years for the same exact defense. But anyway, so
the judge refuses to dismiss that. Now, let me go
back to the issue of debate, the Biden announcement on
debates and Trump accepting. You know, I only gave four
outlets CBS, ABC, Fake News, CNN, and Telemundo. Okay. I

don't know much about Telemundo in terms of its political bent.
Our is our friend jorget Ramos. I thought he was
on Univision.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
Am I wrong?

Speaker 1 (19:58):
I'm not sure Telemunda? Okay? And I actually bought a
personal level. I like Korge Ramos, but I mean he's hardcore,
you know, on the issue of immigration. I'm like, you know,
this is insane. Joe Biden's ten million plus illegal unvetted
immigrants from China, tens and tens of thousands from China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan. Wow,

it's only a matter of if not when. Oh, fake
news CNN. They just named the moderators. Oh okay, fake
Jake Tapper, you gotta be getting me and Dana Bash
Oh okay, a guy that hates Donald Trump and we'll
pull the tape on Hannity tonight and played for you. Uh,
Dana Bash. I guess I don't know.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Dana was nice to you, you like Dana She.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Actually where did I see her that she was nice
to me? Maybe it was one of the Republican primary debates.
I don't know. I saw her one somewhere and she
came over to me. Couldn't have been could not have
been nicer, which I don't ever expect from anybody in
the media mob. I'm like, he's making a way over
to me. Oh boy, here we go. Well, what's coming
up next? So he only allows, you know, he thinks

this is all going to be on his terms. And
Donald Trump also accepted a debate. He accepted both of them,
and but the terms have to be negotiated. They don't
get to announce. It sounds to me like fake news CNN.
I wonder if they were tipped off by the Biden announcement. Awfully,
they moved awfully quick. I checked in with my sources
at the Trump campaign. They had the proposal by ten am. Wow,

that's pretty interesting. Fake Jake. You gotta let fake Jake Tapper. Seriously,
you can't pick a bigger Trump Peter than fake Jake. Anyway,
Biden agrees to this debate. Now the Washington Post that
broke the story, and it was just before my segment
on Fox and Friends, as I mentioned this morning. Okay,

so CNN and ABC, all right, we're gonna what Jim Acosta.
They didn't pick him. George Stephanoppolos, George Stephanopolis just gave
a big lecture about how great the deep state is
and now democracy is in peril. You're gonna pick him
from the Clinton war room. Sorry, he doesn't qualify, And

I don't know. I can't think of anyone on any
of these network networks that would qualify. He proposed the
moderator should be selected by the broadcast host from its
regular personnel. This sounds like they had conversations ahead of time.
I'm just guessing. Well, with firm limits for answers, equal
speaking time, I'm for that. You know what, They're gonna

cut the mics off of everybody turn, you know, alternative
turns to speak, microphones that are active only during the
candidate's turn. All right. If i'd argue one mistake Trump
made in twenty twenty in the first debate, he was
too aggressive. Let Joe talk more. The more he talks,
you know, and let them have two minutes to answer
every question. I'd let him talk, no prompter, no teleprompter,

no notes, Joe, how much do you want to bet
that probably deepened the proposal. That's where they are. But anyway,
it's no audience. CNN have agreed to that immediately, but
I'm sure there's no early discussion with CNN about this now.
ABC didn't release their qualification requirements, as CNN says, you

have to have fifteen percent in approved public surveys and
on enough best state ballots to win a majority of
Electoral College votes. The Biden proposal and letter to the commission,
by the way, call for direct negotiations between the Trump
and Biden campaigns over the rules. Moderators network hosts for
the one on one encounters. Sorry, fake Jake doesn't qualify.

Biden proposed a separate vice presidential debate in July, after
the Republican nominating Convention and before the Democratic nominating Convention.
I'm just going to agree to see Ann and ABC
and Martha McCallum and Brett Baer get a debate on
Fox News, which Donald Trump is already accepted. And then
and then Biden's people said this isn't fair and and

Donald Trump is playing games with the debates. Oh, you
mean that he proposed a third debate and he didn't
totally agree to your only terms. That's how I'd say.
Maybe they don't really want to debate. Maybe that's the
whole point anyway. The Biden chair campaign Chair General Malley

Dylan inside of the commissions for post schedule and passed
struggles to keep candidates from violating debate rules. The Commission's
model of building huge spectacles, large audience a great expense
isn't necessary. How much you want to bet they consulted
with Gavin Newsom or conducive to good debates. The debates
should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters
watching on television at home, not his entertainment for in

person audiences with raucus. And this up to partisan donors
who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval
and jeering. They're afraid, they're afraid. He's never seen a
big crowd. Can you imagine? Is Joe Biden ever gonna
get a crowd like Trump got in New Jersey. No,
that's not happening, just is it. By the way, Stormy

Daniel is now intending to leave the country. Her husband
said that if Donald Trump is not convicted, I don't
think it gets better for Stormy. I think if it's
not guilty, we got to decide what to do. Good
chances will probably vacate this country. Vacate the country anyway.
The trial is a no win scenario for Stormy. Michael

X con Cone admitting to cashing in on Trump when
the line of Trump goes to prison merchandise. Oh that's
pretty nice, apparently after According to The New York Post,
turning against Trump has paid off handsomely, earned about three
point point four million, writing two books, One Disloyal, The

True story of the former personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump,
and Revenge How Donald Trump weaponized the US Department of
Justice against his critics. And Cone was quizzed about a
slew of merchandise convict forty five, a pin that sold
for seventeen bucks. Send him to the Big House, not
the White House. Coffee cup and shirt depicting Trump and

an orange jumpsup behind bars, and then he goes on
TikTok asking to vent he says, and asking for gifts
and Biden's donor. Judge Mershawn looked visibly annoyed when Trump's
GOP allies showed up yesterday. Pretty unbelievable. I mean, you know,
what thing is clear is Donald Trump takes up pretty

much any space that may exist in Michael Cohne's brain.
But revenge was front and center. That's all this is.
And he admits he wants Trump to go to jail,
and then he comes off as so lacking in credibility.
It's pretty unbelievable watching this whole thing. You know, let

me play Michael on TikTok. This is Michael calling on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Was it of this?

Speaker 4 (27:11):
A lot of journalists have been calling me over the
course of the last two weeks asking me, do I
think that Donald Trump is insane? Has the guy gone
back to crazy and absolutely lost his mind? Now, look,
I'm not a clinical psychiatrist, I'm not a therapist. I'm
just a guy that worked for this lunatic for somewhere
in the neighborhood of eleven twelve years. And here's what

I really believe. I believe that Donald Trump has actually
lost his He's lost his marvels. Okay, how do you
then convict a corporation who's going to be held accountable
for it? And the old and the only person who
should be held accountable is this guy right here, not me, Donald,
If you can't see it, this guy needs to be

held accountable.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
And then he talks about, you know, his fixation on
all things Trump and you know, you know, a crying
little uh he called Trump's attorney crying little bleep, even
referred to Trump as a dictator, d bag wearing in
selling T shirts and the merch store Trump behind bars,
you know. And then you got all these clips that

you know, show his hatred, you know, of Donald Trump.
It's it's just he's it's bizarre, you know. And then
you have this exchange about the Trump Moscow project that
didn't exist, and asked about lying to the special counsel.
I gave information that was not accurate? Is not accurate
information a lie?

Speaker 3 (28:35):

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Is it a lie? It was not accurate? Yes, con said,
was it a lie? I don't know if it would be.
I'd if I'd characterize it as a lie. It was inaccurate.
And it goes back and forth, back and forth. Okay,
you want to call it a lie, I'll call it
a lie. I wonder how the uh that's going over
with the liberal New York Jury. All right, we're going
to talk about why is Biden even proposing it to

eight if he even really means it. We'll look at
these pull numbers with Matt Towery all things bill O'Reilly
simple man coming up as well. Look, Mike Lindell, my
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Speaker 2 (30:11):
The Newsmakers. You won't hear anywhere else.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right. The horrible
pull numbers, and how this probably impacted Joe Biden's decision
to even be willing to debate Trump if he really
means it. We'll take a trip down memory lane and
let you hear from Fake Jake nominated as one of
the moderators. We'll get to that. All things simple, man,

Bill O'Reilly, that's coming up. We'll get to your calls today.
I promise eight hundred and ninety four one Sean a
lot of news. We'll get it all in as we continue. Hey, everybody,
your friend, Sean Hannity here with a message that is
all about your safety. Now, when it comes to protecting
yourself your loved ones, well, it's not about having a firearm.

It's about understanding the continuum of force philosophy. Now, picture this.
A situation arises where you or loved one are threatened. Now,
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