Episode Transcript
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Good San Diego. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the show. Yo,
A new a new day is here, and what better way to start it
than with I feel like the showis gonna be great. This show.
I would like to introduce you tothe ringleader Eddie. I have a young
mindset, okay, the mother ofthis crew Sky. If you don't know
anything about me, you may notrealize that I get cold very easily.
I'm very rude, I'm obnoxious,and I don't care. And Emily,
ever since I can remember, I'venever wanted to sleep with another human.
Welcome to the show on San Diego'srock station Rock one oh five three.
Well, this is pretty wild.I don't know that I've ever heard of
this before. So I know peoplewill come up with their sex partner number.
You know, they may have theirnumber and yeah, that's fine for
Sky, it's two. Okay,it's not hard, all right. We
don't need to start telling people's numbers, you know. I mean, when
it's two, it's like, what'sthe point the world to make it?
Judge? You lived? Okay,I believe you don't have to look sorry
with me. A night I havenot had, I have not sure think
about it. Okay, okay,God, I don't think I am fun
time gal. I have a funtime gal with the headband, not the
headband. There's down, let's go. This is a lot today. This
is oh wait you wait, wellyou were so offended. I knew it.
I knew it. A threesome countIs it too early for threesome time?
It's so one? I mean thenif that counts, then yes,
I guess it's not been like twodifferent men. Well that's crazy. There
was two there, yeah, butone was a woman. Oh oh my
god. Okay, too early forthis. Let's move on. This is
incredible. Say the wrong thing,I'm going to think I'm in the podcast
and you're going to get crazy.So let's just move This is tricky.
So people may or may not knowtheir number, and that's fine, and
and you know, I've heard ofthat before, but I've never heard of
somebody like making kind of compiling anentire list of all of your sex partners
before. But apparently that's what DrewBarrymore has done. I can't with her.
You can't be so ridiculous. Now, what happened to her? I
love her? She was always adisaster. Yeah, and she like is
just crossed over to like so beyondcringey, Like I can't. Her show
gives me the heb gbs like she'sHave you seen the way she does interviews.
I'd like you to start doing interviewswith I guess that way you want.
I want you to said criss crossapplesace on a couch and stare like
the eyes it's so weird, andmaybe occasionally caress their shoulder and like while
you're talking to them Miller today,Yes, definitely do that with t J.
Miller if you can't actually like it. Yeah, jew is different,
And I'm like strangely confused by Sky'slove of Berrymore. I you love her
disaster, you love her being adisaster. She was a raging drug addict.
Yeah, I just love that.I mean, Okay, that comes
out weird. I know when youhear that sentence, it may sound weird.
Abuse from her childhood and dated likewacky crazy men, all that crazy
stuff. Okay, maybe love isthe wrong word. I appreciate her journey.
I enjoy her work, and Ilike where she's at now, where
she's fully embraced that she's a weirdoand she's just gonna let it out like
loud and proud, and if ifshe wants to sit cross leg on a
couch with her you know, fuzzysocks and flip flops on and doing it.
No, you won't even do that. Oh oh you think she's she's
better than my feel like you areconnected somehow to weirdo Drew Barrymore. Yes,
now now I am back then whenkissed. Uh yeah, but but
see I loved all that. Ilove fifty first states, I love never
been kissed, all of that,So I I've loved her work. And
then now, well I don't knowif I do that. I didn't really,
I actually have never seen it.Yeah, I know, but et
I mean, come on, classicclassic. So for me, I just
appreciate her journey where she is now. She's embraced who she is, and
so you embracing your weirdness. Youfeel the same as Drew Berry. Yeah,
and I love that she's like havingsuccess with it, Like I get
there's the Emily's of the horse.No, I love that she is,
like it's inspirational, you know whatI mean? Like, did it make
you uncomfortable when you saw her rubbingin the face of Kamala Harris, our
vice president. Yeah, did thatmake you uncomfortable or did you appreciate that?
I appreciates her weirdness? Yeah,I thought that was really strange.
I'm mixed feelings. Appreciate you doyou If that's what you're feeling at the
time, that's great. If Iwas in that situation, I'd be coming
out of my skin and wanting todie. But still so, I find
myself to be a Drew Barrymore defenderwhen people like Emily try and try and
bring her down. I really wishI had the last forty five seconds.
You never would. But do youwatch her talk show? Not once?
Oh? Well then how why areyou? But Emily's saying giving a review
of her current show, says it'sterrible and she's a weirdo on it.
Yes, and you're defending it whenyou've never seen it. No, I've
seen snippets of her being a weirdoand rubbing faces and sitting very closely and
doing weird dances and wearing odd clothes. And I also follow her on social
media, which is can be veryjar for some because you say, oh,
a celebrity on social media, thatmust just be glamour all the time.
Oh not Withdrew. She's gonna doa video, no makeup. Maybe
she's just been crying double chin,sitting on the couch and she's just gonna
talk to you. And again,for some reason, I appreciate that.
Oh it, and it makes itendears me to her. So I know
the world has split on Drew,but I'm team Drew. Well, people
are discussing this whole list that apparentlyshe's done, because it's it's wild.
Actually what has happened where she's madea list of all of her sex partners.
Yes, which by the way,Tom Green is on that list.
Let's all remember that she married married, they were married, part of that
part of the journey. That's insanity. I know. That feels like another
off putting. That's a check inher box up against you. Yeah,
I mean, that's just going lowerand lower. I understand that. I
understand that. So she's made thisof all her sex partners, but she
misplaced it. Yeah. It wasWednesday on her show when she somehow it
came up about being organized and sheadmitted, oh my gosh, I'm probably
the most disorganized person you'll ever meet, which is totally against you. Again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, butI don't know that. I don't
know if I can relate to Thisis news to me, she says,
she quote loses everything, which you'reright, Eddie is the opposite of the
person I strive to be. Andso she loses everything. And so she
gave oh a silly example of oneof the things she's lost before, and
that was her hand written sex list. Now, what is a sex list?
Because you know, some may notbe familiar. It's kind of something,
at least in my understanding, moregirls do than guys. It's kind
of where you literally write out thename of every person you've ever slept with.
Girls will also do this for boyfriends, like write out the name of
every boyfriend they've ever had. Really, have you ever done that? No,
I'm not saying every girl does this. I've never heard of any human
doing this really either one of thosethings you have like younger, like like
when you're in like your early twenties, late teens type of thing. I
haven't heard of any adults ever doingthat. Those are adults, well I
guess technically they're they're they're legally adults, but you know what I mean,
like kind of younger, you know, not people who are more you know,
who have been married and established,Like I wouldn't expect that, but
I definitely know girlfriends back in theday, like you knew somebody that did
it. Oh yeah, Like I'vealways heard like like jokes like put it
on the list or make a list, and everybody jokes about how they couldn't
keep a list and all that stuff. But I've never actually known somebody that
has done a list. I actuallytook out a pen and wrote it down.
Well, I guess Drew Barrymore did. And uh, specially that thing
is thick, you think, so, I just have a feeling around in
the day. There was a lotof partying, happy back in the day.
So she was working on a film. It was in two thousand and
three. She was working on afilm that's prime Drew. That's what Sky
loved her the most. Yeah.It was called Duplex. I don't know.
Yeah, with Ben Stiller, Yeah, I think so, Danny DeVito,
Yeah what and I guess remember that. Yeah, they moved into the
Duplex and it became the hell reallyyeah, he Stiller too. That one
didn't take No, it didn't.I've never been a Drew Barrymore fan.
But I loved Ben Stiller. That'sbut that's probably why I didn't see because
I'm not bore fan. Oh turnedout? Yeah, I just she just
annoys the crap out of me.Oh my god. Yeah, pitch Perfect,
No, I'm not pitch Perfect.Sorry, the Red Sox. Pitch
Yeah, it's the Red Sox.I know, anytime Sandler does a movie
with her, I can't stand it, and I like, I love Sandler,
I like, but I still kindof get annoyed by her singer,
but I still like them, eventhough like having her in the movie makes
more sense than him with Jennifer Aniston. That's true, you know what I
mean? It makes someone he doesbecause he always cast or like him and
knowing a rider, yeah sure,you know we're not a mister Deed's Fansler
sailor extremely hot chick. Doesn't heknows what he's doing. Yeah that Brooklyn
Decker. That makes sense. Ingrown up he's with Selba Hiak. Yeah
it was his wife and click thatwas the super Bowl makes sense, you
guys. That would happen in reallife the only time. Okay, So
anyway, not about Adams Salor orthe movie Duplex and I guess they were
going to have like some sort ofproduction meeting, but it was at Danny
DeVito's house. And I don't knowif she was bored and do or if
this was something her and her friendshad been talking about. But for some
reason, during that production meeting,she decided, on the back of the
production notes the stuff they were workingwith, she was gonna make her sex
list and she was gonna write outthe name of every guy she's ever had
sex with. And so she didthat and what she remembers, because I
mean, she's in the nine,that's a great point what what she could
recall at the time. And soshe made that list and then okay,
okay, back to work or weneed you here, blah blah blah blah
blah. Next thing, you know, she gets home from Danny DeVito's house.
Can't find the list, cannot finddid bring her production notes? She
did not. Well, yeah,can't find the notes nor the list.
Again, going back to her saying, she's the most disorganized person you'll ever
meet. And so she left thatlist at Danny DeVito's house. And I
guess it was just recently that she, you know, was interviewing him for
the show or whatever, and finallygot the nerve to ask him like did
you find that? Did you knowwhat? It was? All this and
that? And he was messing withher for a while and was like,
oh, yeah, I've been holdingon to that for you know, the
perfect moment. But then at theend basically say, I think was on
its back then. But what wouldit matter, like unless she wrote on
here these are the people I hadsex with and then listed them. She
was just listing names. Yeah,it could be any what like and then
they're not all Hollywood stars and sure, you know if it's just if it
says you know Rick Smith, Likewell what is this the former pacer Smith
Smith's different legit scandal? So yeah, well who cares? It's just a
list of names. Yeah, andwhy would Danny keep that? Like if
he was cleaning up the house,you know, after having everybody over.
I'm sure there was some coffee cups. Yeah, and I'm sure Danny to
be those cleaning up the house andmaybe he served some uh pastries. Oh,
I'm sure he had something brought infor sure. Coffee is like you
just said, fingers, which isno, I don't know. It depends
what time of day. It dependswhat the meeting was about. I felt
like it was in the evening forsome reason. Me too, Oh,
I thought it was past and coffee. I guess we're working late. Sure,
it's Hollywood. Please come on,man, they can have coffee late.
And so he's picking up the plates. He's picking up the coffee.
He sees, Oh, somebody leftthe production notes. What is he gonna
do with that? He's just gonnathrow it away? Yeah, nor would
he if it was on the backof him. Probably the paper could have
maybe it was flipped over. Yeah, he sees the list of the names.
Who cares? Like, what isshe talking about? I mean,
I get it. If you makea list like that, you kind of
feel exposed if you leave it somewhere. I mean, common sense would tell
you nobody's gonna know what this islike, it doesn't matter. Nobody probably
even saw it. But for me, if I wrote down those two whole
names like I, I would feelexposed if I left that somewhere. Yes,
why, I don't know what itis. I know here, but
I know what it is, andit makes me feel weird. I don't
know. She's just a whack job. Why would you do that there,
That's something you write in a journalif you're gonna make agree an another good
meeting with It is kind of wildthat you're in the middle of a meeting
and that's where your mind is.Again, very unprofessional. Probably why she's
not working much these days. Ithink we all can agree, but can't
stand Drew Barrymore. Sky only personthat likes Yeah, just bottom blush.
She has makeup line Target. Well, I haven't actually opened it yet.
Would you ever wear blush? Like? What event would you wear blush at?
Here? On a no? Likegoing out? And anytime you wear
blush to the no like, likelike Saturday night. I'm gonna where are
you going Saturday Night? I'm doinguh, rocks and blush. I always
do like events, I'll do minimalmakeup. Yeah, she'll do. She'll
do. Emily she does like someit's called bet. She'll do like a
tinted moisturizer that has some makeup init. Then Sky will do a little
bit of blush and some mascara andsome lilip glass. Thank you. That's
it. Ye Emily nailed it.This guy's making for We know that Emily
goes shopping almost every day. It'sa lot, but maybe you are closer
to the national average than the restof us. Oh, I don't know.
We're gonna see how many times theaverage person goes grocery shopping in a
week when we get back on theshow and rock with a five three.
Yes, that's three days Grace onthe show, it's rock one five three.
Been discussed many times on this showabout how often Emily goes grocery shopping,
because we really can't wrap our headsaround she enjoys it. It's like,
I don't know, like meditation foryou. Yeah, it's just like
mindless. Sometimes I don't mind killingtime at a store. I enjoy it.
Like not yesterday, but the daybefore yesterday, I had a couple
of errands to run that I hadto run, like the bank and a
couple other things. Returning Amazon stuffat coals. I've never met somebody I
turned so much Amazon stuff. Whyyou buy it and then just return it?
Yeah, pretty much it doesn't likeit and goes all right. Yeah,
a lot. Like recently, it'sa lot of like house stuff,
Like it was curtains that I didn'tlike the color they ended up being.
And so I'm really good at returningAmazon stuff right away. I don't mind
going to the store Amazon returning Amazonstuff. It's such a pain in the
ass because you have to go tothe store a breeze and get to look
around at Coles for a minute.I know, and I know the coals
you go to, and I feellike they're always moving the I feel like
they're always moving where you return ita little cutie over there in the same
spot forever at least what I hadthirty minutes to kill still because I move
really fast, so those errands willbang them out quick till until I had
to pick my son up. Andthere's a target right there. Targets fun.
I hadn't been targeting a little bit. In a little bit, but
like, yeah, I was gonnasay a week, like what do you
go in there for? Like doyou because you don't need anything? No?
And I actually said, but thenwhen you go in there, you
realize, oh, okay, Icould get this, I can get this,
keep this. I'm trying to bebetter about that. So I do
need. I did need new likejust crappy black like flip flops, rubber
flip flops. They were five bucks, so I bought those. How bigger.
They must be huge. They wereactual I sized down. Thank you
for like truck matts you got thereflaps. I mean, there's most women
listening, but at least okay.But yes, when you actually though,
have it in your head to gogrocery shopping, it's almost every day though,
because you don't plan it. Menyou ahead, you're just like,
oh today I feel like my handbolonnais and so I need all that stuff
that's happened before. I know thatexactly, that exact dish. Yeah,
I'm going to make mushrooms and rissttatoday. I'm going to make it all
my stuff. Yeah. And thenI got mushrom otto in my head.
And then oh, I don't havethe mushrooms. What are you gonna make
tonight? Me? Yeah, mushroomzo And I don't have the mushrooms,
but I have the arboreal right thereis there is and so but I didn't
go grocery shopping yesterday, which Ifeel like almost not whole. Are you
okay? Did you eat last night? We went out to dinner. Oh
see, that's the only reason whylakeside dining of oties of course, the
lakeside, the man made lake.Oh wow, Emily loves for some reason
love gorgeous. Why not just driveten more minutes to go to the ocean?
I don't understand it. And bythe way, she's the probably youngest
person by about thirty years. I'mgoing to take a video next time,
because you wouldn't. He's right,you wouldn't. Even it's wild, honestly
crazier crowd. Yeah, everybody's likeeighty and above. Oh so, on
an average week, how many timesdo you think you go grocery shopping?
At least five? No, it'snot five because I don't usually go over
the weekends and I and there's thereis like one or two days I don't
go. So I would say onaverage three, to be honest, between
three and four. I think you'reunder selling in the grocery shop, like
buying grocery, not going to agrocery store. But like if you go
to Walmart and you'll pick something up, You'll go to Target and pick Honestly,
rarely go to a grocery store,like it's too expensive. It's crazy.
I'll go to Trader Joe' or Walmartto get my groceries, Albertson's and
Vonds and all those places are expensive. Okay, those grocery stores are a
rip off. I'm telling you.I pay attention to prices and they are
expensive. Thank you. We'll gofor Eddie. Okay, I agree with
that. At least four times aweek. Emily goes grocery shopping. Well,
they ask people how many times doyou grocery shop in an average week?
Yeah? And the average America isnot like Emily. No, I'll
go once once a week. Iactually make a list and I go,
Okay, this is the things Ineed for the list. And then I
go that one time a week.That's it a list. Yes, it's
a grocery list. This is nota crazy thing. Most people do have.
How do you This is why yougo so often because you forget,
like, oh I did I forgotI did need eggs. Yeah, that's
what happens. It's wild and it'sfunny because I grew up My mom like
would write lists, and she wrotethe list because she knew the grocery store
and so she'd actually make her listaisle by aisle where the things are wow.
Like I would always go shopping withher, and like she had a
coupon book with the dividers and stuffand like so it's like I grew up
with like learning that, you knowwhat I mean, I don't know what
happened. I don't know. I'venever heard of somebody doing aisle by aisle.
It's a little too much. Yeah, but yeah, you just follow
along that great. Wow. Soyeah, when they ask people, four
is a little extreme, but theaverage answer is two different supermarkets every week,
or two different places to get groceriesevery week. Half the people say
they go to a big name brandplace like a Von's, a Walmart,
a Target. A third of peoplego to a club store like a Costco
or a Sam's Club. Oh,I didn't think about Costco. You didn't
think about it as groceries. That'susually like once every few weeks. And
that's yeah, that's the weekend usually, So throw that in there. And
then the other third go to aplace like you know, the Dollar Tree
or the Dollar Store to anymore.Yeah it's been a while, Yeah,
they started bumping those prices up,so that's a rip off going out of
business. Yeah a lot of themhave. Yeah. Yeah, so yeah,
and about twenty five percent of ussay, every once in a while
when I'm either wanting to treat myselfor feel super lazy. I will order
my groceries and just have them broughtto take the fun out of it,
sucking up to cruise. What aboutpicking this stuff online? No? Not
as good? No, no,no. Plus, you can't trust them.
You know what they're gonna do.What I mean, picking the produce.
Okay, you don't do protus trustedwith the other stuff. Yeah,
it's weird. I don't like doingthat. I'd rather just go do it
myself. My wife's done that forme a couple of times, because it's
a nightmare. When I go tothe grocery store. Really, I never
know where anything is. I missedthe whole isle once. I couldn't find
I. It would be a disaster. Now I could, I did,
I wouldn't. I swear there wasno iole eleven. I swear to God?
What and uh? I? SoI finally now she'll like picture if
she's busy, she'll like, dothe groceries online and I'll just go pop
the truck they throw them in.Boom, it's pretty nice. Sweet.
Yeah, that's you're missing stuff.You're missing the whole experience. Bro.
Do you hear about my io elevenisn't it like twenty minutes? I was
getting hot. But speaking of Emily, we have also heard that if her
check engine light comes on, justto ignore it. Whatever, that's what
I thought, but no Emily does. We're going to see how long we
ignore a check engine like coming upnext on the show at Rock with five
to three, that's Metallica on theshow, it's Rock one five three.
So miss thing over here. Emilywearing a head bad. She's wearing aheadbad.
She's a little sassy a little bit. We used to hear with her
old vehicle that if the check enginelight came on, which it did quite
often because that thing was on thislast leg, she would just ignore it.
And for me and Thor and evenSky, that's madness, because you
know, you got to carry acar, right, Thor, I was
total long time ago. A coupleof things. What's that one? He
oils the blood life of the car. Blood. If you don't blood life,
bloodline, blood line, blood life, I mean that's about the way
okay, if you don't put it'snot a wrestling reference. What you didn't
need to imagine between me and Door, I acknowledged him bloodline joke that this
goes the time like me and skyNo. And then when you guys get
you guys giggle a certain way youdo hit me while I was talking like
little school girls. It hit mewhile I was talking. That was solid.
And my dad said that oil isthe blood light in the car.
You don't you got to keep theoil change because and I told my wife
this, you cannot go over oilchanges. You can't. You ruin the
car, ruin the engine. Yougot to respect the car. So when
that check engine that comes on,I'm immediately calling and going, what's going
on here? Yeah, you gotto bring it in because you don't have
a car. What are you gonnado? Take the bus? Not San
Diego? Never carless was my othercar? Just fine? Thing was I
feel like at some point you're goingto pull it in in this all four
wheels. She didn't respect that shouldrespect that credit nor though, Well that's
the thing you got yourself into abrand new word Bronco. If a check
engine like came on now with thisvehicle handled differently, I am going immediately
today I'm going to have them lookat it. Okay, hundreds appreciate it.
Every time I leave that car.This is neither hand there, but
I'm taking trash out of it.It's pristine, got respect still and it's
been almost two years this November.Good for you, So I am doing
well. That's fantastic. Thank you. Wow. Good because again, Yeah,
I mean, if a check enginelike comes on, there's an issue,
you probably want to get it fixedsooner rather than later. Yes,
yeah, but I used to doyour right. I'd drive around for six
months the year a year. Yeah, I wasn't getting oil changes regularly at
all. I'm almost cheering up becauseI feel bad for the car. It
was bad. Oh, we couldhear it. Remember when we were from
Eddie's place to in Covid and wewould all hear Emily's car pulling in the
driveway because it was that loud.Oh my god. Yeah, it's like
screeching written pain. Well, nokidding, why was it crying. It
was crying for oil line. ButI guess they looked into this. They
did a whole study on how longwe would ignore our check engine light.
Now the majority of us ninety threepercent say yes, I know taking care
of my car is important for itshealth, and twenty one percent say I
feel like my car will literally breakdown on me any day now, So
okay, we get it's important.We get that we're scared of losing our
car. So they asked, whenyour check engine light comes on, how
long until you address it? Andthe most common answer the majority of us
say four months before I address it, with twenty percent of people even longer
than that, saying between six toeighteen months. They will stare at that
check engine like so crazy that carsare so expensive now, interest rates are
so high. Why would you wantto risk it? Right? Because if
your car blows and you gotta geta new car, like, good luck.
Like nowadays it's not like it usedto be. Yeah, it's interesting
because people will prioritize the repairs thatdon't matter. So if you have a
crack in your windshield, if something, if your radio breaks, that's the
kind of stuff. Yeah, theAC, Yes, that's the stuff people
will deal with right away. Butwhat stuff that you the stuff that you
need your engine? No, that'sfunny that you said like that stuff,
because that's was the final nail inthe coffin for my car. It wasn't
the fact that it was making thosenoises that it was probably completely broken.
It was the AC broke brought me. That's why I got a car,
because I can't be hot. Yeahright, oh no, no, it
makes sense, but it sounded likethere's pennies in an illuminum can. Okay,
okay, but no, never again, never again, okay, change
changing your waist. Yes, allright, we're gonna see what celebrities are
charging on Cameo. We're gonna playour game, Cameo Roulette when we get
back on the show at Rock witha five to three the food fighters on
the show, it's Rock one ohfive to three. All right, get
your celebrity hats on, because it'stime to find out what celebrities are charging
on Cameo. It's time for ourgame, Cameo Roulette. Do you ever
wonder what Ronnie from Jersey Shore wouldsound like wishing you a happy birthday?
Herry? What's up with your boy? Ronnie? Here? I just wanted
to say, happy birthday. Ihope you enjoy yourself. Drink a lot
of ron ron juice at GTL theout of your party. Well, it's
time for the show. You've donefor the shows. Cameo Roulette. Oh
yes, Cameo Roulette is the gamethat we created where all the different celebrities
on Cameo, the website where youcan get personalized messages from celebrities. We
spin a wheel whatever celebrity it landson. You got to figure out how
much are they charging on cameo becausethey set their own price and so it's
a wide range of people for sureto find out. And then you get
to hear a little clip of whatthat sounds like. How much you whatever
they charge, that's what you getfor that price. All right, let's
go ahead and spin the wheel.See what lands on. First, it
has landed on Jim Star. Youdon't know who that is. Star Star.
That is Laser from the American Gladiators, one of the ogs. One
of the OG's laser Laser Laser wasroided out of his mind and he wasn't
that he wasn't not on Natty Adamlaser. He was one of the big
ones American gladiat So what do youthink laser is charging on cameo. We'll
start with you, Emily oh Man. We've had a couple of America Gladiators,
but of course I don't remember howmuch. Night was the big one,
that's right, you know, yeah, yeah, he was like one
of the biggest ones. Okay,who wants a cameo from Laser? I'm
gonna go there is a little bitof an upswell and popularity for the American
latiors because of there was a Netflixdocumentary. There was a thirty for thirty
on them, so people, it'sstarting to get back in the Americans mindset
of American gladiators. So maybe thereis a market for it. I don't
know. Okay, I'm gonna goseventy five bucks. Seventy five bucks for
Laser? Yeah, all right,what do you think? Skuy? Uh?
Yeah? I didn't watch American Gladiatorsback in the day. Really,
yeah, So I learned all aboutthem from the Netflix thing and I was
fully in on it. So I'mgonna go a little bit higher because I
got hyped because of the Netflix special. So I'm gonna say one hundred bucks.
Who would you want a cameo from? Oh Zap? I don't yeah,
I like that. Okay, thatmakes sense? How much did you
say? Hundred bucks? Sorry?What do you think? Thor? They
both took what I was gonna say. I was gonna start with seventy five
that I was gonna go to onehundred, So I'm gonna go one oh
five. Really, guy, reallywell, because thor went the highest is
the closest. Because Jim Star akaLaser save over one ten American laiers charges
one fifty fifty insane. I wantto talk to that person that gets that
cameo and go, hey, man, you're right, it's been one hundred
and fifty dollars. Maybe either're abig fair American condiators. No, stop
it. The listeners you get fromone hundred and fifty bucks from laser,
it's Laser from the gladiators. Hey, buddy, how are you? I
hear you and my oh are doinga one hundred day fitness challenge and I
think you may need some encouragement.Maybe not, but I'm I'm actually really
impressed that you guys reached out tome. I think that is so cool.
But anyhow, hey, just youknow what, just go balls the
walls, right, I wish youguys all the best, All right,
coworkers do that's pretty damn cool.I see you wait to hold no advice.
That's the inspirational talks the wall thatit's a weird came I'm so irritated
right now that Gemini. It's beenthis time. Oh oh, you may
or may not know who this is, but if you're a fan of the
TV show The Incredible Doctor Pole,then you will know who this is.
What doctor ple the only way.I've never seen his show, but I've
seen it on my guide, TheIncredible Doctor Poole. It's on that geos.
A veterinarian. Yes, yeah,yes, oh so this is a
current show. It's a current show, and I imagine he's sort of like
the dog Whisperer guy stuff like that. He's a veterinarian. He's known as
the Incredible Doctor Pole. Okay,I want to say he's like you're a
peon or something. Yeah, Idon't know, but but big show on
that geo. This guy, I'mshocked you don't want Yeah, me too.
Yeah, I've never know aquariums.You love animal stuff. I thought
this was like your superhero stuff.Well you said the Incredible Doctor Pole or
whatever. I'm like, Oh,is he a villain? He's a vet?
Okay, well what do you think? How much does he charge on
I'm definitely gonna check it out thisweekend. Oh yeah, oh yeah,
veterinarian show. Okay. I forsome reason feel like there's love for this
guy, even though I hadn't heardof him until like two seconds. Yeah,
yeah, So even though I knownothing about him, I'm gonna say
one twenty five, one five.What do you think, thor this guy
stole my thing? Again, it'sworking out for you. One thirty.
Don't be that guy. Come on, I've never heard of this person.
Yeah, surprised too. I don'tthink you're not geogist. Surprise. I
don't know Haley your wife animal person. Uh it's banned fifty all right,
what do you think, Emily,he's an older gentleman. I just saw.
I forgot about that. One five. I'm going to go lower than
both of them, and I'm goingto say one fifteen. Okay, now
you're doing this what I do here? Guys, one of you is hitting
right on the head really instead onefifty s. The people are going in
front of you. It's helping youout, all right. So this is
what you get for one hundred andfifty bucks from the incredible doctor. Hello,
Laura, I hear that you're abig fan of the show. Thank
you, And yes, I thinkwe have something in common. We have
some Dutch blood in USh. Idon't know where your grandfather was farming or
is she still farming? But anyway, did he teach you some Dutch words?
Hello and and well to rousta?You know those words? He knows
what it is anyway, So havefun watching, keep watching, and thank
you for being such a big fan. Watch right up? Your him so
much? Yeah? No, butI love him. I googled him.
I see a picture. I lovethat. He's an old dude, forspin
the wheel. See what lads onthis time? You gotta be kidding me.
I'm shocked this guy is on cameo. It has landed on former disgraced
NFL head coach John Gruden. Ohwow, wows coach, former Monday Night
football commentator, super Bowl champion withthe Tempe Buccaneers. Wow, John Gruden
is on cameo. What do youthink, Thor? How much is John
Gruden charging? Oh? This guy, this guy, I don't know.
I would say that Gruden charges fivehundred bucks? Five hundred bucks? What
do you think? Emily glad Thorwent first? Because now I have like
a gauge. I feel like becausehe's on fire and he's football guy.
I mean, he's got tons ofmoney. He doesn't need to do this,
I'm gonna go higher than thor andsay five fifty. Well, if
he had tons of money and doesn'tneed to do it, why'd you go
higher because he was gonna charge.He's gonna charge because he doesn't want to
do him by point fifty? Okay, what do you think? Sky?
This is crazy. I mean theNFL guys can charge so much, and
I mean he has such a history. I'm good. I'm going crazy.
I am going crazy. I'm sayingseven fifty for seven, Ye, that
just happened. Well, what boristhree for three? Because he's the lowest,
you're the closest. I can't believethis. But John Gruden only charges
ninety nine dollars. That's pretty wild. I'm like for charity or I don't
know why. I don't know.He was on cameo. Yeah, this
is stunner. This is stunner.Now you know, there's some weird allegations
about John and yeah, some badthings that he was saying. So I
don't know, but he allegedly hasa net worth of thirty millis rich rich.
But get a cameo from John Grudenfor ninety nine bucks, and this
is what it's going to sound like, Hey, Kelly, this is your
old friend John Gruden, the oldball coach, sitting down here in Tampa.
I'm out here by the leak.I just got my hip for place.
But I'm doing better. I'll beready to kick some more butt here
pretty soon. But I just wantedto call you here and I want to
tell you how much I appreciate yousupporting me over the years. There's been
some real tough years, and Iwant to thank you for all of your
support and for being my friend.But you enjoy your day. God bless
you. Thanks for being a hellof a man and a great dad,
and you enjoy the day. Iknow you're gonna get treated great. God
bless you. Wow, great dad. I love that I missed that guy.
So good, So good John.For myself, you're a great dad.
Thanks. John. Thor is allfired up today because his beloved Nicks
are moving on. We're gonna seewhat happened in the NBA playoffs last night.
Next to Sports Dirt, Well,the Padres had a day off yesterday.
They're gonna start a six game roadtrip in Arizona tonight. D'l un
cease is gonna be on the moundfor the Padres first pitch will be six
forty NBA playoffs. Last night sawthe Knicks said Mance where they won eighteen
one to fifteen win over the seventysix Yers to win their series. Did
this the first time the Knicks havegone to the second round and back to
back here since two thousand. Doyou believe her? Now? I want
to, man, But after Gamefour they blew it because they put n'
hit their free throws. And thenlast night they were up twenty two in
the first quarter. I was tellingHaley, I'm like, oh, this
gun's gonna be a blow, niceand easy. And then the second quarter
was just the seventy six years dominatingKnicks were down five and the third but
they had a heart. They cameback, which they I mean twenty years
of them never doing this, andthey came back in one. But again
they missed some free throws at theend and it was getting closed. But
yeah, I'm pay Nicks. Imean, it's very nineties esque and that's
what I grew up with. SoI'm excited about Jailer versus John Starks.
Yeah, here we go. Yeah, I mean the Reggie Miller's what he
scored eight points at six seconds,but I will never forget that stuff.
So yeah. The Pacers are alsomoving on as they eliminated the Bucks,
winning one twenty to ninety eight.Dame Lillard returned from being injured, but
Jannis did not as he missed theentire series, so the Bucks are out
again. Ever since the Nest wonthe title, they haven't made it past
the first round in the playoffs.Yeah. I mean, obviously not having
Yiannis hurt them. But it's kindof wild when you think about like the
stars that are already out of theplayoffs. No Lebron, no kd no
Joannis, no Lillard, No.I mean you can just go on and
one other than Jannis. A lotof those guys are old. Now,
Yeah, I mean, I meanthere's gonna be a new age of new
blood, new blood of NBA players. It's pretty wild. I'm gonna get
my chet home Grim Jersey. Wow, j Hey, Jalen Brunt is the
truth, man, I know hedoes not look like a basketball player.
Good players kind of Shorty's kind offat. Yeah, it so good.
It can wing it. The Chargersadded a wide receiver. They signed d
J. Chark, who played forthe Panthers last season. He does add
some much needed experience to a veryinexperienced wide receiver corps who have no wide
receivers over three years in the league. Shark has played six seasons, most
with the Jaguars. Of course youprobably remember him from the Jaguars. But
we'll see if he adds anything tothe Charger I wonder if this is going
to be a take by Medicine yearfor the Chargers and then have another high
draft pick and feel from there.I still think they're going to be hit
in a couple of years, butthis year maybe Ron Carball. You know,
they want to run the football,so yeah, you know, we'll
see what happens. Could we seenew Steelers quarterback Justin Fields as a kick
returner, possibly, according to runningback Jalen Warren. He says that the
Steelers special teams coach has floated theidea to the team. That would be
wild. And if I was he'sathletic, he's fast, But I mean,
you don't use a quarterback for asa caper turner. Justin Fields,
I'd laugh in that guy's face.Maybe if he lost his knee, which
Money's gonna lose, maybe it feelsis like, hey, listen, instead
of just sitting around being back aquarterback and coach. Yeah, but it's
like even as a backup, hecan make more money than most players on
the team. Sperioit, So whywould he don't. I don't think it's
seven. Would that be like throwinglike Joe Buscrove in the outfield worse worst
chef catcher? Like, wait aminute, I'm gonna do it. It
looks like Mike Tyson is the underdogin his upcoming fighting Saya. This is
listed as a minus two thirty favorite. Now Tyson is gonna turn fifty eight
by the time of the fight.Paul is twenty seven, So that's probably
when is this happening. I'm forit, I know on Netflix. I
mean, I'm definitely gonna watch.Give it was the thing I had to
buy. Probably not, but Imean, if it's on Netflix, I'm
gonna watch. Yeah. He's becauseit's a spectacle, and I feel like
if you have to pay them,that would be kind of a fun fight
to go to a bar and watch, just because it's the spectacle. Ridiculous
it is. Yeah, I guessit looks like you will be seeing Tiger
Woods at the US Open as well. Tiger has accepted a special exemption to
play in the tournament. Now,Woods had a special exemption expire last year,
but they're inviting him to play,so he gets to go out there
and go for his sixteenth pay.Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna wins.
Is almost back. Almost made thecut at the Masters. Yeah, it
was like one hundred over by Sunday. Well, then he came in last
nime. It's almost there. It'sa process. Trust the process. Today's
hairline comes back with the day hewins another major. So it ain't happened.
That was rude. That was alow blow. I was hanging out
that comedy roast on Wednesday too long. That must be what it is.
Sports Dirt is brought to you byPalomar Health. We have heard a lot
about tipping recently. I mean itis kind of out of control. While
people are wondering if you can actuallyget in trouble for over tipping. We're
gonna see what happened to one personwho got a generous tip. Coming up
next on the show, I'm rockinga five three. That is Queen on
the show. It is rock oneoh five three So we've been talking about
tipping like a lot because it's beenlike a lot. Oh yeah, where
you know you have to tip foreverything in these days everywhere, and it's
just out of control. Machines thatwe talked about, that park, the
beer vending machines, they now askfor a tip. I think that's insane.
I don't I can't even get intothis. No, no, no,
no, no no no. Wednesday, yes you have. You're not
forgetting your mouthdown. You're not forgettingyour mouth that's not good. Yeah,
tipping has been like ridiculous, outof control and everybody knows it. But
can you actually get in trouble foraccepting a generous tip? Oh what?
Why would that be a case?Yeah, but apparently that's what happened.
Yeah. One Minnesota ice cream shopis getting a lot of bad publicity.
People are lighting them up on socialmedia because, according to a recent news
article, they fired an employee oftheir ice cream shop for receiving a generous
tip. So here's how it goesdown. So you say that, yeah,
the or you go to get icecream basket, Robbins whatever, every
place has tip jar or whatever.Turn around the thing? Do you tip
for ice cream. Uh, ifI have if I use cash and I
have change, but I never usecash change. Yeah, okay, So
like so it costs you four fiftysix for scoop ice cream. No,
I'm not tipping you. All youdid was scoop the ice cream into it.
But you're gonna get changed back forthe But but if okay, if
I pay with a five, yeah, then I'll put the coins in the
four cents in there. But Iusually pay with a card. Yeah.
So no tip, No, nota dollar. No. If I if
you made me a Sunday sure,oh that's work milkshake, No, no
tip? What so Sunday? Becauseyou pumped the hot fudge and did a
little bit of whip cream with cream. But they got to do that too.
I mean, okay, then Itake it back. I'll do the
milk ship because when I go toStarbucks, if I get a specialty drink,
i'll tip. If I get aregular coffee, I'm not tip.
No tip. Wow, wow theyturn around and go and pull a thing.
No, no, you go.I'm surprised that you tip. I
surprised you tip on a specialty becauseyou actually have to do something. Wow.
Well that's good though, look atyou. I feel like you're making
progress. I mean I'm tipping likea sky as a former ice cream shop
work. Oh my god, mygod, my carpal tunnel like your car.
Now you're on tipping for an icecream scoop. I believe your ice
cream scooper actually does more work thana lot of other places that just like
grab a tray out of a windowand hand it to you like you're actually
scooping. You're getting colds a trayout of a window and hands it to
you like I don't know, yougo to like a burger place or whatever.
I don't tip them either, OkayerKing, that's insane. Yeah,
no, like but something you can't. It's not a lout at Burger King.
If you when you worked at McDonald's, Eddie, and you saw somebody
accepting tips, what would you say, get fired on the spot? Yes?
Wow? Is it part of theLike yeah, yeah, you worked
there thirty years ago, thirty five. I know the policies though, I
stay up there, I stay upon it. But you do. That's
good, Eddie. Yeah, Scoopingice cream is a harder job than than
people think. I mean, justscoop scoop scoop pop, carpal tunnel,
carpal tunnel. Also if it runsout, oh hold on, let me
dress like I'm going to the Antarcticbecause I have to breezers before star to
replace it. And you're there fortwenty second? Are you making the ice
cream? It's so cold in there. Make the ice cream? No?
No, but I make the milkshakes. I make your Sundays, I make
your frapp make anything. You haven'tworked there in thirty years? I sure
do. I'm wearing my khaki shortsright now. I don't tell me.
Yep, khaki shorts, pink polo, yep. What's up? So there
is a tip jart at this placein Minnesota, at this ice cream shop,
and this gal was working her shift, Emily, Little Emily, Oh
yep, little sweetie. U huh, she's working and a customer came in
and after they got their order,tried to give her a very generous tip,
a tip of a one hundred dollarsbill for just a ice cream.
Yeah, and that is what doesshe look like? Okay, so that's
how old is Emily? We thinkwe know it's yeah, she's younger,
sixteen. I think she's like eightteen or something like that. Those are
her parents right there in that picturethat was just put up. Yeah,
because the parents are the one commentingin the article on behalf of their daughter.
So she is working and it saysto the customer, no, that
is way too generous. I cannotaccept it. I appreciate it, but
that is way too generous. Ordoesn't understand why she was so annoyed if
they said that, take care.Yeah, I don't know. I guess
she was trying to be really nice. You're a reason why they're leaving this
generous of a tip. No,I I don't know if it's just somebody
who I mean, could be anything, could be somebody who just wants to
spread the love. Or maybe theredid this girl scream out at M at
the customer, okay, just getmoney. I know that that's what happened.
Ye, Yeah, and her skygave her a twenty Yeah him,
I gave him a twenty twenty.Well I just come to from that's insane.
I mean, I just walked awayfrom you. What I would say,
get out of my face, freeshow. Yeah. So she said
no tips to generous. I can'taccept that, and then she went on
to help the next customer. Well, as the tipping customer is walking out
the door, they put the onehundred dollars bill into the tip jar.
Awesome, Yes, well that iswhen Emily got written up by the ice
cream shop. What and in herletter, it says, Emily needs to
understand that some of our customers areelderly and could be dealing with dementia or
other illnesses that make it hard forthem to understand their actions. No one
in their right frame of mind tipsone hundred dollars at a place where every
menu item is under twelve bucks.It's your responsibility to protect the reputation of
the establishment. And if the customerdealing with issues and family finds out she
was allowed to put one hundred dollarstip in the jar, we will be
looked down upon as a place thattakes advantage of the elderly. This person
is an a hole. Whoever ownsthis ice cream shop is an a hole.
The girl didn't ask for the tip, she said no, thank you.
The person's still put it in there. At that point, what is
she supposed to do? Yeah?Like chase them down to their house?
Like what guys doing something? Yeah? Like? Why is this crazy nice.
I mean I would never do this, but this guy's nice. So
she was fired the next day andthey claimed because you know, you have
to have like a legal reason,and I guess it's part of the employee
policy that they're not allowed to acceptbills over twenty dollars as a form of
payment. Well, if you heardEddie, I mean, somebody tips at
mcdonald's're getting fired. Yeah, butthat's a different policy. This policy,
I believe, is a stretch toapply to this because it doesn't apply to
tips. It's about taking money inand out of the register. So it
kind of sounds like this chick hasa lawsuit if she wants. And now
the ice cream place is getting blownup on social media. Yeah yeah there
uh and uh the ice cream placeposted on social media where they're getting blown
up. Quote. Ice cream makespeople happy. Social media bullying not so
much. Oh dude, you canjust tell you know who that guy is.
Guy's from shop. Now, he'sa victim. Get out of here,
you suck all right. It isa free comedy Friday, and we're
very excited to have our buddy TJ. Miller back in studio with us.
When we get back on the showat rocking a five to three as green
Day on the show, It's rockingfive to three. We are about to
have the time of our life.Check out a good buddy. TJ.
Miller is back in town yea performingat the American Comedy Company. A couple
of shows tonight, a couple ofshows tomorrow night. I think there's this
sold out. I don't even knowif there's a Sunday Sunday shown was sold
out. Look at this guy.I love, we love you, we
love when you're in town. It'salways a big weather in the United States.
I'm starting to get it more andmore. And we were talking yesterday
about how it's got so many differenttypes of vibes, but it's its own
thing. Somebody said yesterday, myfriend Megan, she goes, it's it's
kind of got some San Francisco init. And I was like, no,
come on, I don't like SanFrancisco. No. She was like,
you know what I mean, ifyou just like, it's such a
walkable city, it's so cool,it's kind of urban to sort of think
about it. I was like,yeah, it's kind of in some ways,
it's the best of all the Californiacomponents. I see that. I
can see that. Last time youcame in a little San Jose to it.
But it's its own thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I agree. Don't say we're LA, though, because if I would have
said it, if I'm gonna sayit, I have said it is not
Megan. I have said she goes. It's like a better La, Yes,
better TJ. Last time you werein town, I may have caused
a little bit of a stir likeyou're doing right now. You like that,
like that because the two times agoyou brought it in some hot sauce.
You make hot sauce, and wewere all thrilled, and we were
all very excited. You did aswell, everybody but you. Well,
I was excited about the hot sauce. The last time I found out you
also decided to start making your ownline of peanut butter. Here we go.
I love peanut butter. Who doesn'tlove peanut butter? Let's go no
peanut butter. Well, TJ rememberedbecause in front of me right now,
for months I was frustrated by hisYeah, absolutely on your mind. He
knows he did me wrong because Iwould have destroid that peanut butter. I
just loved it. Well, let'ssee destroyed now this. I have three
different kinds I have. You've beenstirring this peanut butter for the last hour.
Yeah, yeah, And so I'vebeen making peanut butter for a few
years now, and we have threedifferent flavors, dark chocolate, coconut lady,
Oh my god, We've got cherrychocolate with real dried cherry s milk
chocolate, and honey wristed peanuts.Oh stop. And then this is my
favorite. That's why I brought it. The other radio stations did not get
this. They suck. Yeah,because it's so delicious. And it is
toffee crispy with toffee milk chocolate andrice crispies. And you can use you
don't have to. Well, youknow, I thought that was your stirring
spoon. It is. I'm nofure it's gonna be my giant be able
to talk into the interview. You'regonna be too peanut butter for toffee crunchy
peanut butter. This doesn't even seemlike real life. No, it's so
good. You're not gonna be whatwhat's it called? Like? What's the
brand? J Miller's Peanut butter.Okay, I'm moist right now, your
moist, I don't think of thisis so good. That's next level peanut
butter. It's weird, it's sogood. Really, yeah, like that's
crazy. Now what are we usingthis for? Are we making sandwiches with
you to tell you something? Sky? Why do you tell you something?
Sky? Tell me something, Eddie. I would eat that just by itself,
spoonfuls of that really, because it'slike it's like a snack. It's
like a snack dirt peanut butter.I thought that was really interesting. No,
that's a good call. It's calledt peeb and Jay peanut. Better
now I'm moist. Yeah you should, which is hey, oh I'm so
mad. I'm not. I lovethat you say you're not high, but
you're smoking a joint right now.I know. The thing about you,
though, is that you can getand smoke so much wheat and still not
be high. No one knows.Ridiculous, every ridiculous. That's a dream.
This is amazing. It's a dream. Amazing. This is trouble.
You can get on Amazon dot comand also my website. T J.
Miller does not have a website dotcom. It is really really really worth
buying some. It's delicious. Yes, somebody said it's like a dessert peanut
butter. I think that's right.You don't have to put it on anything
like I'm People ask me that andI said, I put I have put
it on trisk it's camera guys,like you know POV, how do we
exactly that kind of you? Andyou have to nod the head. He
is really really committing to pretending likehe doesn't know. Yeah, I think
he's that hair cut. Yeah,so it's great. I mean it's great.
And then the hot sauce is delicious? Why peanut butter and hot sauce
is just stuff you like? Sothe hot sauce. I had a friend
who I met through and yea,we got to get this back over you.
Yeah, no, I haven't youwant to get in there? I
thought that was I was. Iwas concerned because he's kind of a germophobey
using different spoons. So we're okay, still okay. Also, Scott to
bee Fair, he deserves a littlethank you. Look at him. I
have been that's very good. Isn'tit delicious? Really? I like how
crunchy. It is very good.Through doing the New Sex commercial. Yea,
yeah, yeah, that's my newtagline. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I met a guy doing themusic experts when I used to be
the musin X Booger and after afterthe record because he had a recording studio
in his barn in the middle ofIndiana, and so t J that was
really really funny, and I waslike, oh, thanks. He's like,
yeah, those things aren't usually funny. Thank you, and he goes,
that was really funny, and Igo, thank you, he said,
and he said, you want tosee my pepper patch. And I've
never been asked that by a man. It's weird. Twenty four man,
I guess it was twenty you know, fifteen whatever, Yeah, and uh
and so I went and saw itand he made his He makes his own
hot sauce. He passed away recently. I started to hear that's nuts.
Sorry, I mean he yeah,his his legacy lives on through the hot
sauce like that. And he hecame to me a year later. He
was sending me fun test patches.I did a mango hobbin here, what
do you think of this? Andthey said, would you ever want to
collaborate on hot sauce? Because heknew I love hotsu. Okay, okay,
so he said, yeah, ofcourse, what are you crazy and
and so we started making hot sauceand it went so well. And then
I I thought, I love peanutbutter so much. It's like my other
favorite thing. And then I say, you want to look at exactly Okay,
okay, do you want to patchup this peanut. Let's get crazy,
let's go and and so I sortof found this other family in Indiana.
The hot Sauce family was in Indiana, also Heartland in America. Did
you just go around different farms andlike knock on doors or go door to
door my cold call farms, Soit was it was also serendipity and they're
actually their last name is Weed.Weed family wanted to get into it and
uh, and so we collaborate onthese. So I have three different hot
sauces and then three different peanut buttersand they've just been great. And that's
what I sells my merch because Ijust think a T shirt. Nobody needs
a T shirt like I need thatpeanut butter butter. Every guy kind of
needs to get rid of T shirts. So selling another one, I think
is to the point of view thing. Is he going to get this?
No, I know that was nota question, but yeah, so it's
exciting. Yeah, different, it'sit's really really fun and people seem to
love it, so I get intothat. I just think it's funny to
have my own line of hot sauce. Ridiculous, it's ridiculous, but especially
peanut butter. Yeah, so it'sgreat and uh and it sells like hotcakes.
But I you know who was it'sthe manager. Somebody said, well,
you're bringing all that stuff to theradio station and I go yeah,
and he goes, well, Imean you can sell it here, and
I was like, I don't care. I don't want my friends in radio
to eat it. And because it'sso jealous, I'm so proud of the
hot souce, so proud of thepeanut butter. So I just want people
to enjoy it. I love itand it's fun because I you know,
if I don't know, if you'veeaten a T shirt, but it's just
not the same. Different. Maybea little bit of your hot sauce would
be all right, But DJ,what's next in pickles? Are we doing?
Mate? Miller's mail? I don'tknow. Yeah, it's pickles.
Stop, you knocked it off.You knock it off right now. He
went to a cucumber farm and thennext thing, you know, the line
named the Pickle Dude in Los Angeles. For years to get this thing going,
he does like you know, farmersmarkets and stuff. For years,
I was trying to get it going. But he wouldn't put preservatives in the
pickles, and so he needed ifhe was going to send him to comedy
clubs, he needed them to berefrigerated immediately. And so that's possible,
of course every time Nicle as arefrigerator, but coordinating it was kind of
gonna be hard, and we hadall this stuff. So that is my
My next step is that. Andthen my wife Kate is really encouraging me
to do uh bitters because I lovebetters and soda amazing. T J.
Miller's line of Jardonaire was talk theshow, figure out. Jarnaire put,
I'll put my life savings into this. I don't care. I don't even
care. That's a weird thing.Yeah, it's so it's been really really
fun and I like, yeah,you said it's so varied. It's kind
of like me. I mean,if you come and see a stand up
show, you kind of it's allover the place this time. I'm obviously
dude, this is TJ. Miller, who's performing at the American Comedy Company
this weekend. Is dressed and I'mnot kidding head to toe in Sea World
merch. I love the jacket.It's beautiful. That hat looks like it's
from the eighties Sea World super Imean, I know it's twenty twenty four,
but isn't that jacket meant for likeyoung girls? You know what,
Scott Well, I mean that isoh, I just I'm sorry. I
mean there's like a flat business twoexcel girls. Yeah, what kind of
joke is that? Last time teacherwas here he had his nails painted.
Remember that's right, French tips,French tipts, fretch tips. He's busy,
he's a busy man. We're workingon businesses. That's really true.
Yeah, too busy coming up withthe Yeah you say that garden jardonaire,
know that it's it's more of aChicago Yeah beef stuff. It's like little
peppers. It's very oily. Aflower, Karen, a little bit.
Cauliflower would have not been the firstthing that I would have said. It's
odd. It's an odd it's anodd thing to have in there. But
we'll work on our recipe. Wedon't have to have it in our in
our mix, not at all.Yeah, where did you get this wonderful
out? Did you said that?Yesterday? One of my audience members went
up to Megan aw and goes,so did he? Because now I'm for
the rest of the weekend, I'mgoing to talk about having gone to SeaWorld,
because of course I went to SeaWorldand I brought this at SeaWorld.
But someone after the show said tomy like socially as she goes, I
can I ask you did he reallygo to SeaWorld? And it's like,
yeah, I'm like my audience thinksof me. I ordered this on Amazon
and then went and live. That'swhat I thought, serious, like,
why did you really go to SeaWorld? Why you do that? Like you
do that in every day every cityyou think of their random thing order something
that don't go about the lying isthe thing that really made me be like,
oh man, really but no,Yeah, I went to sea World
yesterday and I I had a inwater experience interaction with the Blue Way that's
really scared because I don't like whales. Freaked me out. It's like a
big seal, is it? ButI wouldn't seal? Well, we did
that and it was so fun.Did you watch the Clyde and Seymour show.
Hilarious gets you every time. What'sthe otter and the seal? They
wacky bits? Yeah, Okaymour show. You got to see it. It's
Clyde and yeah, Okay, there'sa silly little otter that runs around.
When when was the last time youguys went to Sea World. It's been
a minute. I've been like ayear. A year. Do you know
what I did? I went toone of the things. I went on
a road manta was old thing.You rode a manta, get off the
mantas, and then we met awalrus. We went face to whiskers with
the Walles and then they meant thoughtno, I mean he was wearing cologne.
But she and I both thought thatit was going to be so much
smaller. I don't know why.We thought it was a sea lion or
something. They are the four thousand. Yeah big boy, so they are
really really big, but they thatin the blue whale. They just they
love to suck they'll just suck itright up. So if you get something
even close to me like that becausethey're underwater so much, that's kind of
the way they do their whole thing. But the raw the walrus doger or
dozer, Yeah, dozer guys.I realized Kate, my wife wrote doger,
that's going on with her? Howwell does she know this one?
And so meeting the walrus, werode Arctic thunder yeah, snobile No,
No, it's different that one iswe rode the other the main like roller
coaster that was really fun. Butthe beluga whales the walrus too. They're
so happy and people kind of say, oh, you know, the animal
rights activists and stuff. I guessthere's that. I haven't seen the documentary
Blackfish. For me, it's likethey seem so happy and I don't understand
because here's the deal. If youcame to because Luga that's my buddy,
because the blue whale went, Idon't know, what's so funny friends with
I just didn't think you were thatclose to you Just go Luga. What
am I gonna call him? Bella? I guess that is the guy.
This way, you wouldn't be wearingthis gym and so uh and so here's
here's imagine these two right, thesetwo options. You got to look Okay,
here's the deal. You can becompletely free in the wild, have
a wide expanse of ocean, butyou'll likely be killed by the time you're
four or five years old. You'llbe inhaling microplastics and all the trash completion.
If you find food, I meanit's you're hunting. You got to
be hunting constantly to be able toeat enough food. That's all you do.
Or you can go and have asmaller space, probably equivalent to a
three bedroom in Manhattan, New York, I think, which is not terrible.
One day I'll be able to foryou and so you've got that.
All you have to do is acouple of tricks, like what oh,
just stuff that you wa wa Yeah, touch your nose to a person's face
who paid two hundred and fifty dollars, Just things like that. He will
get unlimited food. Unlimited food.You will. It'll be all your favorite
food, squid and macroliff. Youcan eat touches you want because they want
you to maintain a healthy weight.And by the way, you'll have the
best healthcare on the planet better thanthe trainers that are feeding you. A
human trainer breaks their ankle good.But you if you have you're gonna have
three veterinarians. What's going on?And uh, I'm glad you had that
talk. And so you know,I mean, the only thing I think
Luca goes, well, yeah,that sounds amazing. I want to do
that. What's the problem. Yeah, Like, well, there are these
you know, rights activists that thinkthat, you know, you shouldn't be
activity in a small space, like, oh my god, that's so nice.
Do they feel that about all theanimals. No, A lot of
the cats those are trapped in theirhouse rubber to those are friend slaves and
so that's okay, but because youcan't cuddle, and it doesn't look like
you're smiling when you look at them, although they do look like they're smiling,
having a good time, and theyhave all they have is people patting
their tongue and pushing it. It'sjust constant positive reinforcement. So I thought
it was really fun to see.And then I saw the dolphin uh adventure
whatever, and then also the theOrca the Killer Whale show. I almost
started crying really from joy. Itis so amazing to see that humans have
like bonded with and created this showwith these dolphins, which are incredibly smart
mammals, and the children are screamingwith joy, and there's there's splashing people
and people are like, oh,why am I not getting splashed? Moore,
I'm in the splash and they're learningabout seven The kids are like,
oh, they're different types of orcas, Like what, It's just this incredible
thing and I just don't understand.There's this great movie called Eoh, The
Letter E the Letter Oh, andthe protagonist is a donkey and it's a
Polish film. There's very little dialogue, but this donkey. We follow the
donkey through its adventures and the beginningof the show, the donkey is in
a circus, it's like a travelingcircus, and they get shut down by
a peda type organization and the donkeyhas to be let go because the girl
can't she doesn't have a place,and his trainer can't keep the donkey in
her apartment something like that, andso she has to say goodbye the donkey.
It's this terrible heartfelt separation and thenyou kind of see the donkey sort
of fend for itself and all theother things that people do with animals outside
of a carnival, like take hima mask. So it's pretty sad and
listen, it's pretty sad, butit really reminds me and everyone like a
circus is not a bad situation reallyif it's if it's getting taken care of
properly, what you've got to do, Yeah, you have to do that.
But it's just different than Captain Iand is okay but barely okay.
Thing is And I think I thinkthat one of the other stations, somebody
said they were talking about the dolphinsand a peda group sent them a dolphin
in semination kit to see how terribleit is that they inmate these dolphins.
And I'm like, you don't knowwhat dolphins are thinking, can't talk to
them. I think it's so funnywhen people are like, my cat's mad
at me. I'm like, Cory, is he just like this is boring?
What's over here? You know whatI mean? It's who knows if
the dolphin is like kind of likeit when they I wish they didn't.
Yeah, maybe the dolphin is like, oh that was uncomfortable, versus wow,
fish, you're absolutely no understanding ofthese animals. It's just a constant
anthropomorphizing whoa animals by saying, hey, listening, you are all animals feel
the same way human beings do abouteverything. The man knows he communicated with
a blue whale. The mans andfor life is that was the most incredible
breakdown of Sea World I've ever heardof my life. And so he's going
back again tomorrow. I want to. I want to. I'm gonna try
and meet the Otters. You knowwhat the Otter experience is is booked out
until September. To be honest withyou, it might be it might be
their app crashed so many times thatit charged me like three times. Spent
a good forty five minutes of mytime in SeaWorld being like, no,
so I don't want four single daytickets on your if you please. They
hooked us up there you talk toSeaWorld and they did the whole the I
P experience. That's we saw thewhole thing. It was really cool.
But I was wearing wearing this,but I was wearing it's like Ralph Lauren
bright blue red orange sort of likeWindbreaker, and then a Weeny World hat
with the same colors and a propelleron top. People sometimes are like,
why would you do that? You'reyou're you're like drawing so much attention yourself.
Don't you want to like fade intothe crowd. The truth is when
I try and wear like a maskand a hat and stuff, people recognize
me and then talk they recognize them. But if I dress like a lunatic,
people like I was in Manitoba andWinnipeg, Manitoba and I was given
a red fox fur hat with thefox's faces and everything. He was pretty
out there and I wore that aroundand nobody. I went to a professional
wrestling thing and like three people recognizeme because everybody's like, he wouldn't dress
like it's really hot, smart,great c the peanut butter is incredible that
you like, I didn't like it? You really? You were? Really?
I was sad, Well, listen, I was sad more than anything.
Disappointed. Listen, we're business,we're business partners. It was I
was, and you know, Igot dolphin stuff going on to listen,
t J. Go see American CompanyCompany if you can get tickets a couple
of shows to a couple shows tomorrowand with the hot sauce. It's sinking
in mile on Sunday. Take whatyou gotta take with you. Take this,
ladies, you choose first. Waitit's twenty four, Thank you.
Run a little lake, guys.Oh, we had a long conversation with
TJ. We work out our businessplan. Things like that, Eddie and
TJ, t J and Eddies,Eddie and TJ's you guys got to work
there. I'm not to figure thatone out. That might be the breaking
point of our this really uh,this is kind of interesting though. When
do you know that you are old? At what point? At what age
do you think is considered old?Well, this is not going to be
great because they asked gen Z whatage is old? No, I don't
want to hear on to something else. Year yep, And I officially feel
old, do you really yep?Thirty nine didn't feel old? Forty?
I feel old. Yeah. Ifeel like things have taken a turn.
I've noticed things on my body changing. I feel like I'm not up for
dressing as much of like I usedto dress like a fourteen year old.
That's probably a good thing. It'snot because it's not. That's not good.
It's not the kind of want tostart dressing like an older woman.
But like I feel like that,I'm going that way. No, my
top, this is a young persontop, very floral. It's floral.
See through a little bit. Ilike my top. Okay, Grahama,
Nancy has that same quilt on hercouch, A nice little springtime. It's
just time. Well when they asked, when they ask gen Z, which
is now people under twenty seven yearsold, when are you old? What
age are you now old? Andthey say, when you are in your
fifties, you're safe, You're stillgood. I'm old, you're old,
and I am accepted. But theyalso believe that when you hit your fifties
that's the age when you need agood like sitting chair that they'll find you
sitting in, and also that youwill quote be puttering around all day once
you hit FI. My wife's fiveyears younger than me and so old for
friends, so I feel really oldon hanging out with them. There's a
lot of the references I bring upfrom when I was in high school.
They don't get, Yeah, howlame is that? But and I do
like to sit more than standing.Oh, you have a little bit of
old man in you, you know, look at him. Sorry, Are
that are big no goes when itcomes to dating conversations. We're gonna see
what they say. Are dating conversationturn offs? Coming out next on the
show and Rock with A five threePapa road Shaw on the show, it's
Rock one O five to three.When you start dating somebody, are there
conversation starters that are just kind oflike ash, I should probably avoid that
kind I mean, I think youknow, when we get into any controversial
topic, you know, politics,religion, stuff like that, you know
you want to be here a littlecareful. You don't want to ask about
Palestine on the first day. Idon't know that I would go there.
I don't know that I would gothere unless matter rally or something, you
know. But yeah, other thanthat, what would be the stuff that
you would probably say? Yeah,I don't know if I'm gonna go there.
Well, they've decided, all right, let's let's put this out here
and decide what things we should avoidwhen we first start dating somebody. Yeah,
so ask man put this out soit's direct directed towards men, but
clearly I feel like it goes forboth genders. So, first off,
in dating conversation turnoffs if you aredistracted and unengaged. And they say that
is going to be a complete immediateturnoff, Like, and that goes for
looking at your phone, checking outother people behavior. Yeah, it's kind
of a mix of both of whetherit's an actual topic or whether it's just
the way you're behaving. Yeah.So they say, when you do things
like that, it immediately gives themessage of I'd rather be somewhere else,
I'd rather be doing something else.So they say, clearly if you haven't
got that one yet, okay.Next, a lack of curiosity. They
say you need to ask them questions. You need to be interested. They
say, you don't have to beinterested in everything that your date is,
you know, into, but atleast one or two things you need to
ask a couple follow up questions aboutand engage. Always find it odd on
our favorite show, The Bachelor,when they're sitting there, they finally get
time with the Bachelor Bachelor bred andyou know, like neither one of them
are really asking each other questions abouteach other now. They just talk about
their connection for yes, all theydo is talk about how much they like
each other, yeah, and howgreat the other person is. Not.
But they didn't really know the otherperson at all, That's what. And
they do it every day. Idon't even know what your job is,
ye or your last name? Iknow that, but I know that you're
great and I could see this going. So, man, we have a
connection with real connection. Yeah,that's exciting. I can see kids with
you. What break kids? Ohyeah, they'll say that. They'll say
that, Okay, next, sorryabout this one for negativity, like I'm
the only guy negative in this world, turn on the noose on the other
person negative in the room, everplace? Ever? Well, they say
yes, sorry. They literally say, quote, have you ever been around
somebody who constantly complained? How longdid you stick around? Money, they
say, could be a tricky topicon a first date. May say the
money for it? If you don'tmind me ask, it's still ready to
talk about it if you say that, Yeah, asking questions about somebody's salary
clearly a no go. Also,just being obsessed with money and talking about
material things, they say, it'sa really bad look to what if saying
that you think marriage is a financialtransaction? Is that a weird thing to
say? That's probably a weird thingto say. I've heard somebody say that
that's like date number two. Thatbeing overly cocky. They say, confidence
is sexy, a cockiness huge turnoff, being sexual too soon. This
is this is tough, but that'ssociety nowadays. When you're on tender and
stuff, it's after like twenty minutes. It always turned at least when I
was on tender or or Bumble,it always turned to that. And then
next thing, you know, lookJamie in there, he was he twenty
one. He's shaking his head.He knows. Okay, But like,
say you actually go out on adate, is that same kind of conversation?
Here's the deal though, it's not, you know, like it was.
You You mostly meet people now throughapps, so you're having all those
conversations before you even meet somebody.So you probably already had those conversations before
you ever went on the first date. But would you continue talking that way?
Like you know how people will saythings on their phone? They really
I think? So, I mean, you're not going to say send a
pick lo o. You're with theperson right right? That weird between courses,
Yeah, go to the bathroom.And finally, according to ask Men,
they say dating conversation turn off numberone is the guy or gal who
is stuck in the past. Whetheryou are not over an ex, whether
you're bragging about your glory days onthe football team, or whatever it is.
It gives your date the impression youaren't living in the now. You're
not ready for anything. Yeah,so don't do that. I get it.
All right. We are about tobe joined by Rain Michaels, the
San Diego Seals sideline reporter and daughterof Brett Michael. Yeah, he's going
to join us back in studio whenwe get back on the show at Roco
O five to three. That isWeezer on the show. It's Rock one
O five to three. So Iam very excited about a couple of things
going on right now. Number one, our San Diego Seals are in the
playoffs and they've moved on. They'rethey're taking on some lame team from all
the I don't even I'm not evengonna give them a mention. This Albany
team, get out of here,bring it, bring it all. Oh
okay, all right, anyway,he's fired up. I am Seals game.
Have you ever been a Seals going? Yeah? What's crazy is a
blast, and it gives us anopportunity to have our good friend Rain Michaels,
the sideline reporter back in studio.Rain, it's been too long.
Where have you been? Right?You know you at the open door.
Yeah, gave you the invite andthen I haven't seen you since. There
was no rain in my four cast. Okay, break, but I need
it. I can use it twice. It's my thing wanting us to bring
rain in from the other studio.And he said I need some rain in
my forecast, which Rain appreciated,by the way. Yeah, I thought
it was cringey. I disagree,called genius. Good to see again,
Thanks for coming back in. Thisis a big game we got going on
here, right, So listen.Here's the thing about Rain in which I
love, is that last time shecame in, she told us, you
know, she didn't really know alot about lacrosse going into her job and
everything. But now you're kind ofan expert. It's legit, you know
a lot. Now. Did youever think, you know, going in,
you would ever know this much aboutmen's lacrosse? I don't think so.
I don't think that that was evera thought in my mind. I
mean now that i'm you know,I'm down there in between the benches I
see and actually in the action.It is such a cool sport. Yes,
it is so fast. It's fast. That's what I love. It's
easy. And the crowd gets bananasto our crowd the last game because it
was do or die. You know, it's crazy, Like I mean when
when Dane Adobe scored that final goaland overtime. Mind you, this is
sudden death of time. I meanthe crowd went bananas. Absolutely, are
there fights like, yeah, that'swhat I'm talking about. Idea, sticks
get thrown down, guys go dropthe gloves. Yes, it's physical and
you're on feet, so it's notlike so I'm sure the fights even play
because like hockey and then they getlike the uppercuts and the one guy had
his forehead split. That's awesome.That's worth the vision. Oh yeah,
ok bumping their crazy, it's crazy. I'm telling you tickets because it's going
to be a big one this game. Can you break down this game?
What do you think was going togo down in this one? Well?
Will we move on? Apparently there'sa reporter's curse. Okay, well let's
be careful. Yeah, okay,so if stay out of the I don't
say the Seals are amazing. Yes, a chance to have good, good
chances. Okay, what exactly I'mthinking because I don't want to be yelled
at by the team. I completelythat's very that's very smart, very smart
of you. Ray. The lasttime you came in, we really got
to know you and we thought thatwas fantastic and you were great, and
uh, I thought this was incredible. What actually happened right afterwards? So
that next day my phone rings andI didn't recognize the number, and I'm
like, okay, this is kindof crazy. And I picked it up
and it was your dad, BrettMichaels Poison calling me. And it was
it was, you know, likelike you don't understand what's happening because I've
never got a call from Brett Michaelsbefore, so you guys aren't I've never
I've never received a call from Brettbefore. And he called me a he
and he said, you know,is this Eddie And I said yes,
he says, Edie, this isBrett. Michael said okay, what and
he said, listen, I'm justcalling you to say thank you. It
was the ultimate dad move, whichI appreciate being a dad myself. Ya.
He's saying, I just don't wantto say thank you for treating my
daughter with such respect and such kindness. She had a great time with you
guys, and I just wanted tosay thank you. And I went,
what is happening right now? Whatlife is this? Am I awake?
He ended up really connecting and Isat there and I talked to Brett for
almost like an hour. Is hea talker? Okay? Said you call
the chatty Kathy. So I satthere after talking to Brett and I went,
did we just become best friends?I think we might get an apartment
together? And like, hey,I don't know, he will. I
am going to say that I wouldgive anything to be roommates with Brett Michael's
kidnapped roommates. I don't noway,not too much, okay? Uh?
And then nothing from Brent because Ithought we were we did a thing,
and I thought, Okay, I'mgonna hear from Brett at least once a
week and maybe friends once a way. I know, I know, but
I thought, Okay, this isa thing. This is gonna be a
thing. Me and Brett are likebest friends. He's gonna talk to me
all the time, we're gonna we'regonna set some up things up like we
had a thing nothing since until rightnow. Ladies and gentlemen, joining us
on the show is the biggest rainMichaels fan and the biggest Seals fan that
I know, Brett, Michael's joiningthe show this morning. How's it going,
Brett? I am doing awesome,my friend, and I just want
to put this out there in theuniverse. I already laid down the first
and last month's deposit right on thatapartment, and you never showed up.
Brett. You got to send methe address, because I mean, nobody's
supposed to know where it's at.I don't know where it's at. I
thought my little lugger filled with allof our stuff and nothing. Well,
it's on now, it's on now. Man. You were supposed play security
to Possiti. I didn't know.I didn't know. This is my this
is my bad bread. Wow.Listen, Brett. First of all,
your daughter is the best. Welove having her in. She's so she's
so cool. Uh. And andyou did, honestly what I thought was
one of the coolest dad moves ever, which is just to say, hey,
thanks for having her on and Ithought that was awesome. You don't
have to do that, but Iwe appreciated it. Well. First of
all, thank you for having heron and again and Brain you know I
love you, kid, And sheis just I mean this truthfully. She
she is takes the job seriously,She's amazing, studying her notes play.
Don't let her lie to you allthe way she played the sport of lacrosse.
Don't let her, don't let hertell her, don't don't let her
completely throw you under the box.She has me bamboosles here, I thought.
I think we talked about this.Yes, I was so bad at
it, but nothing really stopped.I had to refresh my I get that,
I get that yet. But butyou are. You are just really
proud of her, and I thinkthat's cool. Absolutely And and like I
said, I mean you all,I told you this on the phone that
day. When I call it,I mean just for for real, uh
as a as a fan of mydaughter and the Seals and music. Just
the fact that you guys keeping itso rock and real and relevant and the
again for the team, I justwant to say a mega congratulations because for
me and Rain and me talk aboutthis all the time, I said,
we when you go see a lacrossegame, especially in the arena, and
you come down you see the Sealsplayed, I said, this was like
they asked me for a quick anecdote, like what I said, It's like
watching m M a meet hockey meetsthe leg work of a basketball court and
the tackling of football. It's itis the most exciting. And the Seals
fans are crazy. Like I waspounding on the glass. Me and Drew
Brees sang every rose. Uh.It's probably the most attitude version. I
get that there may one of thetwo of us may have had a few
adult beverages. And it just wasn'tDrew, that's all. And Rain was
just out there in the field.And you know, it's funny when you
watch stuff as a dad. Ilook at stuff boats on and off the
camera, and I'm watching Rain preppingher notes in the middle. She's between
the two teams and there's a lotof tension in that box she's in right
They're they're going back and forth ateach other right in it. And she's
right down out there on the fieldwith Mike. Get in the the scoop,
you know, get me the afterafter wind Scoop and last week and
that Do or Die. Oh mygod, that final shot. My heart
was pounding like that. That wasawesome. Did you ever think you would
be this locked into lacrosse? Andnow it's because you've you've performed at seals
games, You've been to see tonsof sealing games. I mean, can
you believe you're this locked in?Here's why The answer is yes, right,
But I get the passionate about everythingthat's going the things that I do,
but I like the sport to beginwith. When I saw Rain play
and she wasn't horrible. She's bamboozling, but she What I'm saying is actually
that's coming from a dad. ButI you know, and I'm saying this
to put it in perfect perspective.It it it. The minute you go
to a game, you're immediately involved, like it's it's up close. They're
smashing up against the glass. Theteam gets the fans fired up, and
it makes me, Like I said, I'm watching it all the time,
and I'm watching the other teams thatlook at the competition. It's just an
awesome sport. They're going to hirethem soon. Listen, the lacrosse playoffs
are it's happening tonight, which isI'm telling you right now, you're gonna
have a great It's Seals l iX dot com if you want to get
your tickets, and it's a bigone, so you got to get your
tickets for sure. It's gonna bea absolute blast. And Rain's going to
be there. He's gonna be breakingeverything down. So we're ready. We're
ready to We're fired up. Okay, now, Eddie, are you and
Brett gonna be there? Are youbusy moving into your new spot? Oh
no, we're Let me let mejust tell you. He's going to help
me carry got piano up the stepsand I'm not I had to break that
down to put it in a littlelugger. But we're gonna have a bad
backbread. We are at the game, all right, and then you're just
gonna hire movers. Don't be ridiculous. There's no mover to men. I
am half you have half singer,So you know that's the other you know,
when you're breaking down your antidote abouta Seals game, the other thing
you need to throw in there isit's also part concert, part Brett Michael's
Show, Part Poison Show because itis like rock and roll in there.
It's crazy. It is the bestthing they've ever one of the things for
sports that I love. When theypound that music out, it's it's it's
rocking. They're playing every every greatrock song. They're playing everything G and
R, jef Leppard, Poison,Motley, A C. D C.
And they're mixing it in with pompand and some big country hits. But
it keeps the place. It feelslike you're at a rock concert from the
moment you enter it until you leave, and all kinds of cryo and pyro.
It's it's honestly, it's awesome.Yeah, it has that same energy
and it is a absolute blast ofMake sure you go see and support our
seals. It's a big one.It's gonna be fun. Hey Brett,
thanks so much for calling in inand checking in with us. And see
you at the house. I guessyou bet you will. There you go
on half that rent coming out ofyour pocket. Wait a minute, hold
on a minute. I got thesmall room. I thought, Hey,
hey, Bratten, catching up withyou, buddy. It was great to
hear rain. I love you andthank you all for being awesome and just
a big shout out. As Isay, is the son of a veteran,
a big shout out we always doveteran appreciation to all of our veterans,
men and women. Thank you forfor rocking. That's a big support
of the Minuteitaro just like we are. We love it. Brett all right,
buddy, take care. That's awesome. He's the nicest guy. What
a nice guy. Literally, Rainytook your whole interview. I don't know
whatever, but we'll see you tonight. Rain It's gonna be a big one
tonight. So it makes you gosupport our seals. An NBA player and
a fan, I guess got intoit at the game last night at the
playoff game. We're gonna see whatwent down in their game with this fan.
Next to Sports Start, Padres hadthe day off yesterday. They're gonna
start a six game road trip inArizona tonight. Delan Ceased is gonna be
on the mound for the Padres.So first pitch will be six forty NBA
playoffs. Last night saw the Knicksadvanced with a one to eighteen, one
to fifteen win over the seventy sixers. Do they win the series and
they move on, So Thors pumpedabout that. Oh yeah, going at
the Knicks get past the second round. I think they'd be the first time
in like twenty four years soon.Oh unbelievable. Well, the Pacers also
move on, as they eliminated theMilwaukee Bucks, winning one twenty to ninety
eight. Dame Lillard returned from beinginjured, but Giannis did not, so
he missed the entire series and obviouslythey're not as good as a team without
him. Now, Patrick Beverley fromthe Bucks, he actually got into it
with a fan in the stands atthe end of their game. He threw
a ball at a fan. Thefan another fan sort of tossed it back
to him, and then Beverly threwit really hard back at the fan,
and so this was all obviously caughton tape. He said that they had
complained about this fan all game longand they got no help, and then
later apologized and said he needs todo better. Yeah, he hit a
chick in the face. Oh insane, Like, if I'm that girl,
I'm suing him. I'm suing thearena, I'm seeing the team, I'm
seeing the makers of the ball.But wait, doesn't make sense. I
mean, what if they do everyone? If Episober has any balls, literally
he will to suspend Patrick Beverley therest of next year. He hits somebody
in the face with the basketball.That's crazy, dude, it is crazy.
Can you imagine if Josh took afootball and threw it as hard somebody
like, That's basically what he did. It's crazy, not not appropriate,
that idiot. And then and thenwhat really bothered me is because all these
athletes have podcasts now because we carewhat they and I guess one of the
reporters as the question. He askeda reporter if she subscribes to his podcast,
and she said no, so thathe wouldn't answer a question like really
the suit we'd God, I can'tstand some of these athletes, man,
I can't stand them their podcast.Oh okay, got just everyone has a
podcast. I know you. I'veheard you, Ye done that has done
that. You will be seeing TigerWoods at the US Open. Now.
Tiger has accepted a special exemption toplay in the tournament. Now Woods his
exemption expired last year for the USOpen, but they said no, we're
still going to invite you to play. So Tiger will be playing and winning
the US, you have a betterchance to hear the Tiger podcast than we
do already happen the stories of thewaffle house. Come on. I think
we thought about to be incredible.Sports Start is brought to you by Jersey
Mike's be a sub above. Weknow that Cinco de Mayo is on Sunday.
I guess one celebrity is leaning intoCinco to Myron offering something for free.
We're gonna see who it is andwhat they're offering when we get back
on the show on Rocking five threeBlack Sabbath on the show, It's rock
on five to three. Uh.We were all hyped earlier. I forgot
to give these away. We hadRay Michaels in here when we were talking
about the San Diego Seals game tonight, which is very exciting. I got
tickets to give away. I gota four pack of tickets to check out
that Seals game tonight, plus aswag bag with a signed jersey. Stop
I'm gonna take. I'm gonna takethis. You can't, guys, I'm
gonna take. You can't have it. No, that's not for you.
Okay. So yes, they're takingon the Albany FireWolves more like the fire
Dogs. Okay, I don't thinkthat's a thing. Call right now.
It's seven seven five seven five three. If you want to go to the
Seals game tonight. Like I said, though, if you want to just
get your tickets, go to Sealsla x dot com. I'm telling you
it's going to be a blast.So call right out if you want to
win those Seals tickets and we'll hookyou up. So sco to myo is
on Sunday. Wow, are youready for it? Think I didn't even
know that was coming up? Getyour marks? Nothing nothing ready yet?
Well you well you do remember youbought those fun little place mats. Would
you declared you were going to doTaco Tuesday every every Tuesday? I do
still have those once yea, Ithink we did it twice. No,
you didn't know, you did not. You claimed star know you did not
you were going to do that.Well, that's a wild thing to claim.
I don't know why I did that, because you're insane. I'm not
insane. But I do have thoseplace mats that I do bust out once
in a while when we're eating Mexicanfood. Will you make Mexican food on
Sunday. Probably not. I whydid you have to think about it like
she won't? I thought she'd beall excited. Sometimes maybe I'll maybe I
want sortfish sport fish. I might. I'll try. I'll try tomorrow.
I don't know if I have thestuff right now at my house. Maybe
I want to what can possible?Sure I'll make some tacos. No,
there's no way. There's no waymaking the taco Yes, sure I'll make
the tacos. There's no way you'regoing to accent that. There's no way.
Well, one thing that you're goingto have to have on syncret a
mile is quacamole. Yeah, Ihave quawk, got it? Got There
is a celebrity who's getting involved inTom's probably not gonna surprise you. It's
the rock. Well, listen,is he gonna show up late? Oh
that you were defending him the otherday. It's hard to defend him.
Man, A lot of this stuffscoming out now. He did post an
Instagram story or video today kind ofsaying, you know, he stays above
the sludge. He's addressing it,not really surprised, like address it.
You're the rock. Yeah, butif you're in the wrong man, it's
kind of hard to I don't know. We'll see what's this? What's this?
Is this first new lotion? No, he's got new lotion called I
don't know, but they have theyhave the displays all up in target.
Oh yeah, him, mom elotion. Should I think it's Yeah,
it's some like Hawaiian samoan like nameor something. Yeah, okay, I
don't know. That's a wrestler.Oh, God, more wrestling humor.
That's like the fourth time. God, more wrestling humor. It is.
Let's see but doing Oh do weI acknowledge it? Oh? That's nice.
Another one that I missed. Yes, stuff, No, it doesn't
happen. Oh, it's not massivelyoverpriced. Oh actually, I mean ten
dollars for eleven ounce bottle. Canwe stop talking about the lotion. It's
not about the lotion. It's notabout the lotion. You know, he
has like seventy other products that hepromotes to And it's not about his energy
drink either. This has to dowith his tequila. You're still doing that.
Uh yeah, yeah, I'll tellyou what I really will. I
got the rock headphones years ago andthey still work. They don't smell and
they're still good and like I've hadhim like five years. They're legit,
but they just continued. Really,I don't know why they're great. Tell
me more. Well, I'm justsaying because you think he pushes so many
products they wouldn't be worth it,but they are. Tell me all right,
no, yeah, you could though, send it to me. Yeah,
let's go rock, I try anything, Anthony, you don't need to
be like because you're an alcoholic.Yeah, that's not our fault time,
because go ahead try it. Ihope that they have banana ocean. Know
he's allergic to anything. Hope theydo it. Then you can't try it.
What a weird thing too? Thenyou can't try it? And I
can try it. Oh how thetable will be You'll be gobbling it down
like a banana. Okay, it'sa lotion. That's weird. Is this
is really taking the trus this wholeyou bet it is? Okay? Okay,
you guys, not about lotion,banana finger in the air, Okay,
acknowledging that joke. It's about traumatatequila, tell the sky. I've
been waiting. The Rock has justannounced a promotion called Walk on the Rock.
You yeah, and here's how itworks. Basically, the Rock claims
he is going to treat you toa bowl a side of walk on Sinco
Demayo if you're also drinking his tequilaat the same time. So, if
you go to a website they've setup specifically for this, it's called walk
on the Rock dot Com, andyou can put in your zip code and
it will show you a list ofparticipating restaurants we have. It's multiple restaurants,
so like literally there's like two dozenof them in San Diego County.
If not whatstaurants like chain restaurants.No, they kind of seem more like
Mom and pop. Uh, youknow a lot of them are Mexican restaurants
in San Diego. No, that'swhat I'm saying. Like those are in
San Diego. We have like pwell you have to go to I mean
I looked up the one to thewebsite but didn't go. Ton't get I
did. I clicked on them.There's twenty four of them. If not,
yes, the one closest to myhouse because that's the only one I
actually recognized them. But usually she'llhave like a list of restaurants that have
it. No, it's like somany, like, just give us a
couple of where I live San DiegoCounty. Okay, by my half,
Okay, I figure telling people togear asking Miguel's like, I mean sorry.
On the border, I mean,okay, you're idiot. Here we
go, Clubhouse, Bar and Grillon Mission Gorge, Cheers on Adams Avenue,
Hilton on Camino del Rio, SouthBaja, Betties on Brass Rail on
fifth, Uh the rail on fifthUh, Codova Bar on too Many Leo's
San Diego, San Diego, MissionBay Resort. I mean, what's Coyote
Cafe? Are you guys? Okay? Now is everybody okay? Yeah you
went from zero to something? Yeah, okay, I be but thanks for
a couple. Yeah there's like there'sactually more like fifty on here there there
are said there was twenty four.Well, go to the website and find
the restez Okay, okay, gotit. Yeah, I'll just go to
the website. Chill out. That'swhat I told you. I mean,
but I would have had a coupleof examples, is what we're trying.
Okay, Well I had one,but I don't care about the one closest
to your house. Not a listtower. If you're interested what the website
Walk on the Rock dot com andbasically U A c r A U salk
bro go walk talking about walk.No, So basically how it works is
you go to one of these participatingplaces. You have to order a drink
with a Toronto tequila. You alsohave to order gwalk. You then take
a picture of your receipt uploaded tothe web and then they will venmo you
ten bucks, yes the Rock tenbucks to reimburse you for your walker.
Is that such a pain the ass? You have to buy it, then
you have to upload it, thenyou have to get venmo, and then
you probably do the one to threeday venmo. So you got to wait
three days for the venmo table side. Yeah no thanks, no thanks.
You know what, I'm sticking tosombrerore a lot to it? I do,
okay, probably there once a week? You do? Which sombreros do
you go to? Or should Igo to the website house? Oh yeah,
that would make Eddy tell me everySombrero's location in San Diego. I
probably could go. Well, okay, well we have the one on Second
Street. What about North County?I can't be there? Okay, Well,
so if you would like to eatsome delicious Sombrero Mexican food. Okay,
there too. I have a fiftydollars gift card for you to celebrate
Sinco to Mile with Sombrero. Ilove it. Yes, it is fantastic.
You get five dollars off this weekendwith the Sombrero Awards. If you're
hosting a fiesta, get some Sombrerocatering, which is kind of what they
brought us, which is sick.It was delicious. It got rolled tacos
and boil asa boil a sad adessert party platter with chiros and bjuelos.
Yes, I love miss some sombreros. So he calls right now eight seven
to seven five if you would likesome Sombreros gift cards for you. Coming
up on Monday, we're gonna playour version of the Newly d game.
It is the Newly Show Game.Plus Emily says she's making major financial changes
in her life, but she saysshe's gonna need some help. So I
have no idea what this is allabout. We'll find out on Monday