Episode Transcript
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So we have been hearing for yearsabout this issue with Sky and one of
her neighbors about her hedges. Thishas been an ongoing issue. This neighbor
hates Sky's hedges, always telling herto trimmer bush. It's been a whole
thing. There's been claims of poisoning. Yeah, there's been all kinds of
wild accusations. It has been awar. I can't you lived there for
thirty years? He didn't move therefor thirty years. Maybe you've lived there
before San Diego is even San Diego? Your family out of house? Wow?
Okay, the house wasn't even builtinto it. And then these two
nosy motherfuckers, Oh really, theycome from Escondido of all places, and
they just start calling fucking shots,taking fucking views, non stop construction,
putting the nose everybody's business. Poorman. Well guess what you know?
Who believes in karma? Sky?Tables have turned. We ain't done yet.
It's time for the one podcast overyet, completely uncensored and unacting,
filtered except for that part the party. The show's after show starts. Now,
Tables turn, tables have turned.I don't know, but listen,
calm down, Listen down, Sky, what's good for the goose apparently isn't
good for the gunder rich people.Man, got rich people. Oh god,
what's up? We got some hedgeissues. I can't imagine living next
to these this is it? Ohyeah, living next to us? What
it? Amazing? Neighbors? Idon't know what I don't know about that.
I mean, I could name offthe top of my head multiple issues
you've had with multiple neighbors. Weare helpers. You're always the issue.
You're always you're not the issue whenthere's always issues, You're always in the
center, your center of I meanI most of the time I'm helping.
There's just this one motherfucker who livesat What about the other neighbors who were
constantly complaining about your dog barking NonStopand you were like annoyed by that?
Yeah, they threw my dog.My husband saw that guy because back in
the day I clink pours under.My husband literally was working on the side
of the yard. He was whatreally, yes, literally, and this
guy was working on the side whowas working I didn't know my husband was
there, And my husband watched himwalk over to our fence take a bucket
full of soapy water, and pourit under the fence in our yard.
Okay, that under the fence,under the fence, because his hole not
over the fence. No, Sobasically he has pavers, we have dirt,
and there's like a tiny little,you know, area under So he
literally walked up to the fence andintentionally poured it under the fence onto our
yard. Why because he didn't wantto walk around and go to a sink.
So again, I don't think mybong water under the fence. Did
your husband confront him and say whyare you doing that? And that's what
I said that my husband said.He didn't say a word, He just
stayed quiet on the other side ofthe fence, and I said I would
I would. I would not havebeen quiet, especially after the bong resen
thing, so may or may nothave happened. Sorry pause, and then
we literally see the gentleman. Well, I did a sniff test, and
as a lifelong sooner, I cantell you that, Honker, I'm just
saying, I mean, I willdon't appearance where when we're just talking about
in the backyard, just trying tochill on a hammock, and then I
hear constant yapping from two fucking dogsmany year the boo or the constant construction
has been going on as they movedin. Okay, really, imagine a
neighbor constant a great neighbor. Yousteal their view, you know, and
they didn't have a view. Theydidn't have a view. He edges because
he can't that guy. Okay,we got three neighbors I'm talking about.
Okay, we've got bong resin guy, we got hedge guy, and then
we have nice little family on theother side. There these are ours behind
closed doors. Is going with theirconstruction ever end whatever end. I've apologized
to them multiple times and they said, they said, they're fine as long
as we're not building. You know, a three story house with the rooftop
decks, the hedges will take there, hedges over there. No, that's
not a thing, So, yes, you are right, Eddie. The
hedges have been an issue with theguy behind us. He has a two
story house. We have a onestory. So when we moved in,
we immediately planted a row of hedgesbecause we did not want him looking into
our backyard. No, no peering. We put in a swimming pool.
I want to walk around in whateverI want. Yes, yes, and
I want to know for one hundredpercent fact that nobody can see us,
even if they're not peering. Ashe said, as he once told me,
quote, I don't want to lookat you in your baby suit.
Yes, he did tell me thatwhen when all I said to him was
yeah, I just really like someprivacy and know that when I'm outside of
my bathing suit no one could seeme. And he said, I do
not want to see you in yourbaby suit. What. Yeah, he's
he is not awesome on the show. Whatever side. Yeah, I've got
at least three notarized letters from himand attorneys in regards to the hedges.
And basically what we've come to isthe fact that if we will have our
hedges, our hedges are legal,I have to pay for a three thousand
dollars survey to prove that they arelegally on our property. Yep. And
so what I told him, eventhough he's an asshole, I don't want
an asshole. So what I said. You notice that only time Skuy actually
like gets she's crazy and curses iswhen she's talking about like neighborhood issues and
hedges. She gets fired up.Yeah, yeah, nothing else. So
I told him I don't want tobe an asshole, So when I get
one hundred percent privacy, I amhappy to then maintain that height and cut
that height so you can have whateverview you have after that point. Okay,
now, can we see you know, half of the water? No,
he can, No, he hasn't. He lived there a year before
from the ground were grown and outof the house by we moved there.
I mean, and he has asecond property up in northern California that he's
this guy that he's had most ofthe because he told me all about it.
He told me all about it andhow nice his neighbors are up at
that. Probably this is the samesame hedge guy, same head. Okay,
So clear that's gone wrong. He'sasked, he's demanded, he's threatened
legal action for us to cut ourhedges, and we stand firm they're on
our property. As soon as wegot privacy, we're happy to cut them.
So that's where we've left it.And it's been clearly a whole thing
for like four years now. Okay, Well, now we've been working on
an a d U and an elevatedview deck in our backyard for the last
three years, three years. Yeah, yeah, it is, Eddie.
It is. Sometimes you go withthe wrong company and a newer company that
does a great presentation when you goto their office, but then when they
actually have to build something three yearslater. So anyway, we're finally God,
I don't even want to fucking chinkbecause it's not We're finally almost.
We're finally almost done to the pointwhere the deck is built and it's an
elevated view deck. And so wetook down a tree that's been giving us
privacy. But we took down thistree because it's now blocking the view.
Okay, cutting down, killing multipletrees, killing. We have quite a
future killing nature for views. Wehave quite a few trees discus and we're
in the process of planting two newtrees. So come back. I'm replacing
the trees. I'll send you.They're probably gonna block that. Poor guys.
So so our deck is up andwe are up there and we're now
looking. We're looking to see whatremoving this tree has done. All the
peasants. No, but he's callinganyone a peasant. We're just okay,
it's not a throat elevated elevated deck. He was teaching me how to spit,
not not doing any of that.Okay, So we're up there,
okay like your French girls. Okay, no, no, we are not
on the Titanic. I am notro none of this is happening. Okay.
When the deck doesn't end up likethe Titanic stuff, I'm not even
going to dispeate that. Thank godthat the city has to come inspeck that
ship, you know what I mean, take that down? Who has a
couple of desserts or just one SantaAnna wind like? Sound safe? So
again, thankful for the city inspectors. But anyway, but anyway, so
we're up there looking and oh,beautiful, beautiful, great. I love
this extra view that we now have, that this tree has been taken down.
Nice. And that is when Ilook over and I see the lovely
couple that I said is on oneside of us, the ones that you're
not in a war with, Yes, the ones that are nice and actually
always well, they have our back. They're the ones who caught the guy
cutting our hedges. And we've kindof been like hedge buddies against this guy.
And you know all this, andthat you have your hedge buddy,
right, you have your head ofcourse, everybody has their head where you
have hedge buddies. Well, sothese neighbors hate him more than we hate
him because because he actually steals youin the middle of the night when in
their yard and was trying to chopdown one of their trees. Seriously,
the cops get there popping fences withsaws and bottles of poison. Yeah,
this guy, that's why you needa hedge buddy. Okay, So that's
why we became hedge buddies because weboth have had this guy come after us
and US lawyer letters all this ship. Right, So we've been a longtime
hedge buddy since we've moved in andwe are up on our deck and we
look over towards the side and theiryard is to the southwest of us,
and that is when we notice thatthey have a massive hedge that is basically
blocking the best part of the view, your hedge buddy, Like from our
deck we see like just flat blue, but the part if their headge were
to be trimmed just a little bit, Like we're talking about the obpr Point
Loma Whitewater views, like all thelights, like I mean, it's an
awesome fucking view and hedge so thehobby looks at me and said, do
you think it would be cool ifwe asked them to trim their headge you
so we can have a better view. Are you out of your fucking mind?
After what you've just talked about withyour hedges and the guy behind you,
they still have privacy. I'm sure. I'm sure the guy who you
hate was probably saying all the samething, why are you different? Why
are you? I think the differenceis they would still have privacy in their
yard, and if we made oursany lower, we would not have privacy
in O. Well, I meanaccording to eyeballs, How do you know
they'll still have privacy in there?Because not. But it may be it
may be enough privacy for you,but maybe not enough privacy for them.
They may say no, we likethat in yeah, like literally I won't
be able to see their yard atall, but they it could potentially compromise
their privacy for other houses that aremaybe further on and you can't ask.
You can't ask that, and youcould if you want to be that guy
anything, if anything, you goto that guy and you say, hey,
have you noticed their hedges