Episode Transcript
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Ladies, you know what kind ofa creeper Thor is if you're wearing something
any low cut here this morning.It doesn't even matter if I've never got
eye contact from him all morning.What are you talking about? Oh he
doesn't want to look at those glasses, but anyway, don't This has gone
down here quickly. Maybe I shouldn'thave brought that up. I guess it's
gone to another level at the gym. We ain't done yet. It's time
for the one podcast over yet completelyuncensored and unacting filtered except for that part.
The show's after show starts. Now. I'll be honest with you,
I've been waiting for this day.I knew it was. This was gonna
happen at some point. You can'thelp yourself. I mean, if there
is an attractive gal, Thor willcreepily stare at her. Yeah. Yeah,
it's just that's what he is.That's the thing. He thinks.
He's sly about it. In SuperBad with Michael, Sarah's looking at the
chick in the classroom and then shelooks, and he does the thing where
he pretends, yes, that wasin high school. In heigh school last
week talking about yes, uh,so yes, Thor has no ability to
you know, keep it cool,and so he joined this gym downtown and
he told us that, yeah,there's a lot of attractive people that work
out at this gym. So Iknew at some point this is not going
to be good for Him's not right. And apparently it's finally caught up to
you. Well if it's caught upto me, uh huh. So some
of the some of the guys andgirls, this is both gen Are you
looking at the hot guys? Theno, I don't look at hot.
They dressed. Everyone dresses very scandilyat this gym, sometimes scandalous, scandalous,
scandalous whatever. So the girls willget like done up to go to
the gym, lashes, curl intheir hair, put makeup on the whole
things, and then film. Theyused to have a tripod like we have
for the YouTube channel here, huhand would film themselves while working out.
And now that there that got bannedfrom the gym, do that anymore because
other people would be in the youknow what I mean, we're to work
out. And just to be clear, not every girl does this, Like
there's some girls work out, butsome girls do and like, and some
girls will work out like this onechick. And she was literally wearing nothing,
like she was wearing nothing, andshe was like bent over doing like
this I don't even know what shewas a back move and she was bent
over and her arms were in frontof her. She was pulling them down
towards her legs and she was doingit in like slow motion and doing like
deep breaths like she was doing likeduck lips like and it was just and
she and she was right in themiddle of the gym like it was very
look at me, guys, lookat me, and you did no,
just subscribed artist for the for theNo. No, I don't remember that.
My wife was there. That's allI looked at was my wife.
But you just told us exactly whereshe was standing. All I looked at
was my wife. You could probablytell us what you had for dinner the
night. That's not true. Soand then there's a Then you see some
anomalies there which are fucking wild.You'll see like these. Because I think
it's downtown right now, Petco Parkby gym. I don't think I know
it's downtown right now, Peckle Parkby Gym, but I think that a
lot of like wealthier guys work outthere because it's downtown, so they have
like jobs. Yeah, they alllive in the condos. So some of
these guys are just like guys thatare not in shape. They they don't
really know how to work out,but they're just there for the aesthetics of
the gym. And like the socialpart of the gym, somebody's judging.
I'm not judging. But then thegirls there with are like fucking smoke shows
and you're like, oh, okay, I see what's going on one hundred
and the girls they're with are they'reactually working out mainly ass Like I only
work out arms sometimes and girls onlywork out as I like, it's crazy.
Like my wife's the same way.She I got what he done to
the gym to day she goes legs. I'm like, you can't just do
legs five days a week. Youhave other body parts. So that's what
happens. And every once in awhile, like I'll work out and there'll
be a girl, Like I'll bestretching, it's doing your basic shoulder stretch,
and there'll be a girl right infront of me, like doing squats
in like the non squat area,like it's the it's not. This is
the stretching area. But they justwant you to see. So I literally
have my eyes closed doing stretches orturn my head. I swear to God,
it's what am I supposed to do. I'd rather just sit there like
I'm that's weird. They can seeme my eyes are closed. I get
insecure that they think I'm a creeand it makes me super And there's a
couple of girls there because I go. We don't know why. Well,
I'm never insecure that someone's gonna thinkI'm a creepy, you know what I
know? But I go there.I go there around the same times every
day. I see the same peopleevery day and we don't talk. We
just make eye contact and I'm like, you know, hi, nothing.
But for some reason, like Idon't know, I get really insecure that
people think I'm a creep because thegirls are that level of hot, yes,
and I don't want them to thinkI'm scaring. We know what you're
actually thinking, but they don't knowwhat I'm thinking. But that's why you
think, you know, that's whyyou know you're a creep. I'm not,
But I don't like Goggle Girls,Goggle, Google, Google, Gogle.
I can't talk today every day prettymuch, so I don't. I
don't do that because there are guysthat do that. I don't just do
that. So there's this girl atthe gym today, an angel yesterday,
and I saw and it was oneof those situations where hot girl loser guy,
but the guy clearly has I wasn'tthought you. Two things I saw
at the gym. One I waswearing a black Lulu Lemon shirt and like,
I thought, your only so mypants were viewery? My pants?
Can you make shorts? You can? You can? So I had I
had a black Lulu shirt on becauseLulu makes better gym shirts. And I
had a I had these like beigeshorts on from Viewery. And there was
a dude wearing exactly the same thingas me, same shirt, same shorts,
and we were working out right nextto each other, and somebody else
pointed it out. What did theother person say? They went, did
you see you guys? And Iwent, yeah, I wasn't in good
I wasn't. I wasn't in agood mood. So I was like,
yeah, I see dude, whata surprise? Did you figure out your
sock game yet I know that,Yeah, you wanted to beg you wear?
Oh did the other guy have regularthe socks? So he had high
black socks. He was cool,gets it. It's weekly magazine. Who
war Better? We know I'm afucking loser. And then the whole time,
the whole rest of my workout,I just kept thinking of comebacks that
I should have thought of in thatmoment. Jerk store. What a shocker
they made more than one pair ofeach, that would have been great.
Sorry. So, while I'm embarrassedover me and this guy wearing exactly the
same outfit at the I mean downtoursshoes, I noticed as a girl and
a guy walking and the guy's kindof, you know, scrawny looking,
and she's like a smoke show andI'm like, all right, the clip
typical like fit thing, you know. So like later in the workout,
there's a cable machine and on oneside of the cable machine you could do
you know, your whatever, pulldown whatever. And on the other side
of this cable machine, you're lookingdirectly at the person you're looking the cable
machine. There's no like barrier,it's just cables. So when you use
the other side of the machine.I'm doing the same exercise and I'm I'm
forced to look at you, youknow what I mean. So there herman
and her are working out together,so already it's they're working out together.
I'm not. I'm not even payingattention to what they're doing. I'm focused
on this Kendrick Lamar Drake thing rightnow. I'm texting, like the gym
well I was. I was listeningto one of his songs. I was
texting with my brother in law aboutit. I'm not focused on it.
Why don't you work? I amworking out Adie between sets like a text.
So I'm doing my try set pushdownsand I'm getting after it. I'm
pumping. I'm pumping. I'm pumpingarms again, and I mean I was
also doing back. It was backand it was back, and I'm pumping
it down and I look up andI do like an obnoxious breathe because it
was like the last set. Iwas feeling the burn, so I'm do
an obnoxious breathe, like breath,noxious breath. I had to say it.
He said, yeah, just letthe first one go. And I'm
like, Jesus, is what iswrong? I'm not breathe. I do
it obnoxious breasts. You don't haveto finger quote it. It's not as
strong. And I pushed down andI look up, and while I look
up, I happen to make eyecontact with that girl and I see her
and I see her mouth, ohmy god, as if I've been staring
at her for you, and I'mjust like and I'm at this point,
I'm like I want I want toput my fucking so she's like, oh
my god. Yeah, like likeshe's like, I will not look like
that sort of a thing. Yes, that's the bye, by God.
So at this point I get aembarrassed b I'm not looking at you,
and see I'm married and you're withsomebody else, So like, chill the
funk out, sweetheart, I'm notlooking at you. You're not that hot.
So I put I put the weightdown. Her face was whatever,
her body was nice. I putthe weight down, and I'm like this
close, just taking my headphone offand going just so you know I wasn't
looking at you, trust me,and then walking say that I was.
I wanted to say that as badlyas I ever wanted to do something,
because that's how like embarrassed I was, and like, that's how also insecure
I am about that at the gym? Now, are you one hundred percent
sure this is a rat? I'mnot. It was about you because,
like your headphones are on. Somaybe her man said something to her as
she's working out. She goes,oh my god, you know she's listening
what exercises that I don't know.I'm pulling something energy I don't know.
I don't know. I don't knowthe machine he's describing. What are you
working out? I don't even know? Yeah, what is doing? I
don't know. I don't know.But is there any way that that's sort
of been? That was what Iwas thinking maybe too. But we made
direct eye contact and she said that, so it made me she sort of
give a eye roll too, LikeI felt that. I felt like,
and oh my god, stop lookingat me eye roll, and it's like,
how could I even be focused onlooking at you while I'm in the
middle of working out again, You'rewalking around with these pants on direction but
I don't have an erection. Suchbad sounds. Yeah, so how does
she know? So I immediately Ihad one more set left, but I
was so over it that I purposefullyleft the area and went to a completely
other area to do something because Ididn't want her to think I was just
staring at. Once you get caught, it's like, well doesn't that kind
of do the opposite? Like guy'scaught and then he got a balance.
You know what, if I seeher today, I will say, hey,
yesterday, I wasn't staring at.I mean, I'm married, dude.
What if it wasn't that? Whatare you talking about? That would
be weird that. But now Idon't want to go back to the In
my head, I'm thinking she's gonnatell because she's kind of in the in
crowd. I feel like at thatgym, so I'm gonna tell everybody.
I'm gonna tell everybody. I'm gonnaI want to make sure. I don't
want anyone to think that I'm acreeper. Now everyone's gonna think I'm a
creeper, but I'm not a creeper. She's gonna go telling everybody. She's
gonna go telling everybody. I don'tyou walk around the gym now and I'm
not a creeper. I'm not acoper. Do you think you're gonna think too