Fred Zacaria Podcast

Fred Zacaria Podcast

Fred Zacaria born in 1959, studied in Rome at the University 'La Sapienza' (a.d.1303), is the founder since 2001 of a Christian charitable mission called "Associazione Cristiana Aiuto Pratico", i.e. "Christian Association for Practical Help", helping the needy with free food, clothing, various useful courses, and mainly domestic jobs; tens of thousands of employers, families and persons are being helped. He ran 4 "prayer halls" in Rome open to the public all year round from 2001 till 2017, the mission since then is online (smart working), prayer meetings and gatherings are held sometimes in private homes. He was a public orator speaking in italian churches and travelling Italy from north to south from 1998 to 2002 , has read the equivalent of hundreds of books in italian, english and arabic on many different subjects, visited many countries in europe, middle east, gulf area, has been twice in the USA (NY, DC, Atlanta Georgia, Orando Florida), he is of mixed parents [egyptian-italian], since 2015 is the founder of a christian gnostic thought [based on ancient egyptian knowledge], called the "zacarian christian gnosticism" , already discussed in cultural circuits and social media. Fred Zacaria was born a roman catholic (30 years), then became an evangelical fondamentalist (30 years), his expertise is "Revelation 13" since 1975! For further information visit Q&A?---> Tel. +39.3807770333 Rome, Italy. Podcasts, search: fred zacaria podcast *He is present on the internet in many platforms, search : fred zacaria. ________________________________ .......................Disclaimer: This podcast is classified as dystopian fiction in the fields of science, politics, religion; it uses metafors and allegorical novellas. Any similarity to circumstances or actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. ........................(italiano) ........................Liberatoria: *Le narrazioni e considerazioni in questo podcast sono metafore allegoriche di fantasie distopiche di carattere scientifico, politico, religioso. .......................(arabic) ....................... :براءة ذمة قناة فريد زكريا مصنفه قصص "خيال" علمي , سياسي , ديني٠ كل الروايات لاتنتسب الى اي حقائق او اشخاص احياء او اموات بل يجب اعتبارها صدف٠ ________________________________ *Spirituality of Fred Zacaria: As mentioned above, he was a Roman Catholic for 30 years, then an Evangelical Fondamentalist for another 30 years! Around 2015 he started contemplating 'Christian Gnosticism', later he composed his body of belief coined as the: "Fredzacarian Christian Gnosticism" based on himself not subject to converting others. He believes that: Jesus is God and God is Jesus! Et Verbum Caro Factum Est, Jn1:14 (Jesus is God the Father!) Jesusgod bless you! ~veritas in fictio~


August 19, 2023 13 mins
La Cina è un grande paese con una grande storia,

in questo audio parlerò delle varie fasi della crescita della Cina iniziando dalla storia antica,

poi il medioevo e poi l'era moderna,

la Cina ha inventato molte cose, ed è all'avanguardia nella tecnologia e in altri settori,

ha una grande influenza socio economico politica nel mondo,

Io sono un privato cittadino non ho contatti con cinesi al di fuori dei momenti quando vado a comprare...
Mark as Played
In the Bible, Revelation, the Beast is meant a 'control system' and it refers to Rome (not Rome Italy), Rome as Roman Empire which never died and it is revived at the end times, becomes visible to all eyes.

{Fred Zacaria, a fantasy
storyteller, since 2015}.

Thanks to 'Spreaker Recording App' , a wonderful tool with sound effects to enhance the value of the episodes,
God bless you!
Mark as Played

trattiamo bene l'intelligenza artificiale!

let's treat the artificial intelligence nicely!

!فلنعامل الذكاء الاصطناعي معاملة ممتازة


Fred Zacaria, fantasy storyteller since 2015.


~veritas in fictio~
Mark as Played


Mark as Played
Questa traduzione è automatica, pertanto l'articolo non è stato controllato, corretto e perfezionato, si prega di rivisitarlo tra qualche giorno grazie.

Questo contenuto è fantasia: scientifica, politica, religiosa.
This content is fiction: scientific, political, religious. :
هذا المحتوى خيال
علمي سياسي ديني
tutti i contenuti creati da Fred Zacaria (video, audio, articoli) sono...
Mark as Played
(ترجمه اتوماتيكية لم تخضع للمراجعه بعد،
يرجي الرجوع قريباً ان شاء الله)

هل تختفي الألعاب النارية أم سيكون لها مستقبل مشرق في العالم الافتراضي؟

1- كل عام علينا الخضوع لطقوس الألعاب النارية التي تصاحبنا على أي حال طوال العام في مناسبات مختلفة حتى ولو بدرجة أقل ، لكن هل هي مفيدة؟ هل سيتم استبدالهم بشيء آخر في المستقبل؟

2- إنها مفيدة وغير مجدية ومفيدة لأنها توفر وظائف لكثير من الناس ، وصناعة الألعاب النارية مدعومة من قبل العديد من الأشخاص...
Mark as Played

Will fireworks disappear or will they have a bright future in the virtual world?

1- Every year we have to submit to the ritual of fireworks, which in any case accompany us throughout the year on various occasions even if to a lesser extent, but are they useful? Will they be replaced by something else in the future?

2- They are useful and useless, useful because they give jobs to many people, the fireworks industry is supported by man...
Mark as Played

I fuochi d'artificio, scompariranno o avranno un futuro brillante nel mondo virtuale?

1- Tutti gli anni dobbiamo sottostare al rituale dei giochi d'artificio, che comunque ci accompagnano tutto l'anno in varie occasioni anche se in misura inferiore, ma sono utili? Saranno sostituti da qualcos'altro in futuro?

2- Sono utili e inutili, utili
perché danno da lavorare a tante persone, l'industria dei fuochi d'artificio è sorretta da molte...
Mark as Played

Questo contenuto è fantasia: scientifica, politica, religiosa.
This content is fiction: scientific, political, religious. :
هذا المحتوى خيال
علمي سياسي ديني

العطاء أفضل من الأخذ، ولكن الأخذ أيضاً نوع من أنواع العطاء!
يعلمنا الكتاب المقدس من خلال الرسول بولس الذي يخبر ان السيد المسيح قال

"إنه أجمل وأكثر بهجة أن نعطي من أن نقبل"،

عندما نمنح شخصًا ما الفرصة لمنحنا هدية ، أو لإعطائنا ذكرى ، أو تقديم خدمة لنا ...
Mark as Played

-Questo contenuto è fantasia: scientifica, politica, religiosa.
-This content is fiction: scientific, political, religious.
- هذا المحتوى خيال: علمي سياسي ديني.


Giving is better than receiving, but
receiving is also a form of giving!

Dear viewers,
audio listeners,
and readers,

welcome to this topic on Christmas Eve,
the question is as follows:

In this period of gift exchanges the question arises spontaneously,...
Mark as Played

Questo contenuto è fantasia: scientifica, politica, religiosa.
This content is fiction: scientific, political, religious. :هذا المحتوى خيال علمي سياسي ديني


La Bibbia ci insegna attraverso l'apostolo Paolo che riporta al signor Gesù di aver detto a lui (San Paolo) in Spirito che è più bello e più gioioso il dare che il ricevere,

quando noi diamo la possibilità ad una persona di darci un regalo, di darc...
Mark as Played

هل أنت وحدك في هذا العالم؟

هذا بودكاست خيالي: علمي ، سياسي ، ديني ، فلسفي ، إلخ. أي تشابه مع الناس أو الأحداث هو محض صدفة.

كل عام حول هذه الفترة ... عيد الميلاد ، رأس السنة الجديدة ، عيد الغطاس ... أكثر بودكاست يتم الاستماع إليه في البوابة مع حسابي فريد زكريا هي حلقة "الوحدة" وعنوانها: "هل أنت وحدك في هذا العالم؟"

والإجابة هي نعم ولا في نفس الوقت ، نعم لأننا في الواقع كلنا وحيدين في هذا العالم ونخدع أنفسنا بأننا بصحبة أطفال أو أ...
Mark as Played

Senti il peso della solitudine in questo periodo di fine 2022? Sì. Ecco i motivi.

Ogni anno in questo periodo...Natale, Capodanno, podcast più ascoltato nel portale con il mio account fred zacaria, portale Spreaker, è proprio questo.
Intitolato "sei solo in questo mondo?" (cercalo in basso)

... le persone lo cliccano molto non solo a Natale ma anche a Pasqua e in altre feste pubbliche.

La risposta è: Sì e No allo stesso t...
Mark as Played
Every year around this period ...Christmas, New Year, Epiphany ...the most listened podcast in the portal with my account fred zacaria, Spreaker portal , is just that.

Titled that "are you alone in this world?" people click it a lot during not only Christmas but also Easter and other public feasts.

The answer is: Yes and No at the same time, yes because in reality we are all alone in this world but we trick ourselves beileving that w...
Mark as Played
٥ أسئلة من القراء حول الأشياء الروحية
الكتاب المقدس غير مكتمل؟ كيف نشأت فكرة الله؟ ما هو خطأ سيتشن؟ هل إله التوراة والإنجيل خاص؟
هل يسوع اسطورة؟

إخلاء مسئولية:
يكتب فريد زكريا ويتحدث عن مواضيع مختلفة مصنفة ع 3F: "٣خيال"
،fancy, fantasy, fiction،
في المجالات: العلوم والسياسة والدين ، إلخ… أي تشابه
مع الأشخاص أو الظروف هو محض مصادفة.

هل تريد أن تستلم المقالات؟ ادخل بريدك الالكتروني وستستلمها مجانا

دعنا نرى السؤال الأول:

1- لماذا يُقال ان ا...
Mark as Played
🇺🇸 5 questions from readers around spiritual things.

Incomplete Bible? How did the idea of ​​God arise? What was Sitchin's mistake? Is the biblical God special? Did Jesus Exist?

Disclaimer: Fred Zacaria writes and speaks on various topics classified as 3F: "fancy/fantasy/fiction" in the fields: science, politics, religion, etc. Any similarity to persons or circumstances is purely coincidental.

1- Why is the Bible in its recent editi...
Mark as Played
🇮🇹 5 domande dal pubblico riguardo a cose spirituali.

Liberatoria: Fred Zacaria scrive e parla intorno a temi vari, classificati “narrativa di fantasia”: scientifica, politica, religiosa. Qualsiasi somiglianza a persone o circostanze è puramente casuale.

Ho ricevuto e ricevo sempre domande del pubblico, veniamo alla prima domanda:

1- Perché si dice che la Bibbia nelle sue recenti edizioni sia incompleta?

La Bibbia in tutte le sue ed...
Mark as Played
شيفرة الحياة: ملخص لأهم ٣ اسئله في حياتنا.

اعزائي المستمعين الكرام اهلا ومرحبا بكم على هذه القناه

قناه فريد زكريا
قناه خيال علمي سياسي ديني
كل الاشياء المذكوره هي خيالات
اي تشابه مع اي شخص او ظروف ما هو او ما هي الا صدفه

في هذه الحلقه اذكر مره اخرى الثلاثه اسئله الهامه التي يجب على كل شخص ان يسالها في خلال حياته او حياتنا القصيره على هذا الكوكب

السؤال الاول كان كيف وصلنا الى هذا الحقل الى هذا البعد الى هذا العالم والجواب كان وصلنا ...
Mark as Played
In this episode I discuss 3 main questions
1. How come we are in this world, how did it happen? (By Accident!).
2. Is there any purpose? (Not at all!).
3. What's next? (Eternal salvation to all!).

Very unusual answers but widely discussed and accepted in various circles.

This podcast is classified as FANTASY in all fields: science, politics, religion, history, etc etc
Any similarities to persons and/or events is purely coincidental.

Mark as Played
In questo episodio Fred Zacaria risponde alle seguenti domande

1. Come siamo arrivati a questo mondo?
2. Come mai? Che senso ha la vita?
3. Cosa c'è dopo la morte?


The above episode talks about the human predicament, and his total bewilderment on how on earth we have been catapulted into this dimension without our consent, infinite love includes infinite transparency, we have no remembrance of any deal of this s...
Mark as Played

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